Now showing items 17678-17697 of 40137

      Keywords: Cost, Income, Revenue, Profit and Fasibility of Green Coffee, Shop [1]
      Keywords: DC motor, Arduino, speed control. Motor DC, Arduino, speed control. [1]
      Keywords: dividend payout ratio (DPR), profitability (ROA), leverage (DER), growth (GRWOTH), free cash flow (FCF), Corporate Governance (CG) [1]
      Keywords: Economic Growth, Own-Source Revenue, General Allocation Fund, Specific Allocation Fund, and Regional Expenditure. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan asli Daerah, Dana Alokasi Umum, Dana Alokasi Khusus, dan Belanja Daerah. [1]
      Keywords: Effective Teachers, characteristics of effective teachers, pedagogical knowledge, personal knowledge, interpersonal knowledge [1]
      Keywords: expansive soil, nail slab system, small scale model, finite element method [1]
      Keywords: Financing, social responsibility, Islamic Social Reporting (ISR), social mobility, poverty. [1]
      Keywords: Fundamental Factors, Inflation, Interest Rate, Return on Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio, Earning per Share, Price Earning Ratio, and Price to Book Value. Faktor Fundamental, Inflasi, Tingkat Suku Bunga, Return on Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio, Earning Per Share, Price to Book Value [1]
      Keywords: Greenways, Green Openspaces, Karbon Monoxide Pollution, The Plants of Absorber Pollutants. Hijau Jalan, Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Polusi Karbon Monoksida, Tanaman Penyerap Polutan [1]
      Keywords: Health insurance, medical resume, doctor's behavior [1]
      Keywords: internet financial reporting, financial reporting, financial performance, moderating, agency theory, signalling theory. Kata kunci: laporan keuangan internet, laporan keuangan, kinerja keuangan, moderasi, teori agensi, teori sinyal. [1]
      Keywords: Job motivation, Job satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB and Performance [1]
      Keywords: Konflik, Perang Sipil, Kepentingan Politik, Timur Tengah, Rivalitas [1]
      Keywords: managerial ownership, size of the board of commissioners, number of meeting of the board of commissioners, company size, profitability, liquidity, environmental disclosures. Kata Kunci : kepemilikan manajerial, ukuran dewan komisaris, jumlah rapat dewan komisaris, ukuran perusahaan, profitabilitas, likuiditas, environmental disclosures. [1]
      Keywords: maternal shelters, high-risk pregnant women, maternal mortality rate, rural areas. [1]
      Keywords: media relations, media relations Strategy, Public Relations Pondok Pesantren, interests of applicants learner. Kata Kunci : media relations, Strategi media relations, Humas Pondok Pesantren, minat pendaftar peserta didik [1]
      Keywords: posters, descriptive text, writing skill, experimental, quasi-experiment [1]
      Keywords: Poverty, Corruption Perceptions Index, Economic Growth, Human Development Index, Panel Data Kata kunci : Kemiskinan, Indeks Persepsi Korupsi, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, Data Panel [1]
      Keywords: poverty, regional gross domestic product (PDRB), minimum wage, education Kata kunci : Kemiskinan, Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB), Upah Minimum, Pendidikan. [1]
      Keywords: Problems, consecutive interpreting, students’ perception [1]