Now showing items 34231-34250 of 40134

      SIZE [8]
      Size BOC, profitability, size of the Sharia Supervisory Board, Disclosures Islamic Social Reporting. [1]
      size of board of commissioner, the proportion of independent board, the educational background of commissioner president, the number of board meetings, corporate governance, environmental disclosure. Ukuran dewan komisaris, proporsi dewan komisaris independen, latar belakang pendidikan presiden komisaris, jumlah rapat dewan komisaris, corporate governace, environmental disclosure. [1]
      size of board of commissioners, public ownership, institusional ownership, company size, profitability, leverage, corporate social responsibility disclosure and corporate value Ukuran dewan komisaris, kepemilikan saham publik, kepemilikan institusional, ukruan perusahaan, profitabilitas, leverage, pengungkapan corporate social responsiility, nilai perusahaan. [1]
      size of public accounting firm, auditor spesialization, audit tenur, earning management [1]
      size, capital structure, profitability,liquidity, dividend policy and companies value. [1]
      size, growth opportunity, bussiness risk, non debt tax-shield, dividend policy [1]
      size, leverage, age, the number of commissioner, the number of audit committee, intellectual capital disclosure, and firm value [2]
      Size, Liquidity, Profitability, Risk, and Company Growth of the Capital Structure [1]
      Size, Profitability, Leverage, Sales Growth, Dividend Policy, and Value Company. [1]
      Size, Type of Industry, Audit Committee, Intellectual Capital Disclosure [1]
      SK [2]
      SK Komite Anggaran UMY [1]
      SK Penelitian 2020/2021 [1]
      SK Pengurus Dana Sehat Muhammadiyah [1]
      SK PPA [1]
      SK REKTOR [1]
      SK struktur kepengurusan [1]
      SK Tim Audit Keuangan UMY [1]