Now showing items 11028-11047 of 40140

      fraudulent financial reporting, board size, board members with international experience, effectiveness of audit committees, effectiveness of internal audit, financial stability, external pressure, financial targets, institutional ownership, Frequent number of CEO’s picture and ineffective monitoring, and specialization. [1]
      fraudulent financial reporting, fraud pentagon [1]
      fraudulent financial statement, fraud diamond, financial stability, external pressure, financial targets, personal financial need, supervisory effectiveness, external auditor quality, board changes. fraudulent financial statement, fraud diamond, stabilitas keuangan, tekanan eksternal, target keuangan, personal financial need, efektifitas pengawasan, kualitas auditor eksternal, perubahan dewan direksi [1]
      FREE CASH FLOW [7]
      free cash flow [1]
      Free Cash Flow, Corporate Life Cycle, and Earnings Management Practices. [1]
      free cash flow, financing decisions, investment opportunity set, and shareholder value. aliran kas bebas, keputusan pendanaan, set kesempatan investasi, dan nilai pemegang saham. [1]
      Free Cash Flow, Leverage, Kebijakan Dividen, dan Pertumbuhan Perusahaan [1]
      Free cash flow, Leverage, Manajemen Laba, dan Good corporate governance [1]
      Free Cash Flow, Profitability, Leverage, Bussiness risk, Investment Opportunity Set, Dividend Policy. free cash flow, profitabilitas, leverage, risiko bisnis, investment opportunity set dan kebijakan dividen [1]
      free radical [1]
      FREE TRADE [1]
      Free Trade Agreement [1]
      Free Trade Area [1]
      Free Trade, ACFTA, Indonesia, Export-Import [1]
      Free Trade, Economic Diplomacy, MEA. Perdagangan Bebas, Diplomasi Ekonomi, MEA [1]
      free trade, NGOs, alternative international trading system [1]