Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Ir 

      Dewi, Sukuriyati (2018-09-22)
      Singkong merupakan salah satu tanaman yang banyak dikembangkan di Gunung Kidul untuk dijadikan bahan pangan. Banyaknya varietas yang ditanam dan belum diketahui karakteristik dari berbagai varietas singkong, menuntut ...
    • Ir 

      Dewi, Sukuriyati (2018-11-17)
      SOFTSKILL KPT-AUN (S1, S2, S3, S4) DAN RUBRIK ini sangat penting untuk digunakan dalam merencanakan Rencana Pembelajaran Semester , yang isinya tentang softskill yang nantinya akan diterapkan d berbagai mata kuliah
    • Ir 

      Dewi, Sukuriyati (2018-09-12)
      The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of azolla exstractand mixed media on Wick hydroponics system to Caisin plantand to find the best combination of organic nutrient of wick hydroponics system on ...
    • Ir 

      Dewi, Sukuriyati (2019-07-13)
      Abstract. Cassava is one of the many crops developed in the Gunung Kidul to be used as food. There are many of varieties planted and characteristic are unknown of various cassava varieties, requires the need for research ...
    • Ir 

      Dewi, Sukuriyati (2020-10-13)
      The more significant demand for flour requires alternative substitute materials from local products, one of which is mocaf flour derived from cassava. The quality of mocaf flour is primarily determined by the quality of ...