dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.author | PRATAMA, MAZ’ULIYAH ANSOR | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-08-08T06:13:09Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-08-08T06:13:09Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017-05-27 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/12583 | |
dc.description | Latar belakang: Kejadian hipersensitivitas tipe 1 (asma bronkial dan rhinitis
alergika) menigkat bersamaan dengan menigkatnya angka kejadian sectio cesarea
baru-baru ini. Birth cohort studies di beberapa negara maju telah menunjukkan
hubungan signifikan antara kejadian sectio cesarea dengan terjadinya asma
bronkial dan rhinitis alergika. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui hubungan
antara kejadian sectio cesarea dengan terjadinya hipersensitivitas tipe 1 (asma
bronkial dan rhinitis alergika) pada anak usia SD dan SMP di kota Yogyakarta.
Metode: Penelitian case-control yang melibatkan 3211 anak, siswa dan siswi SD
dan SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta usia 7-15 tahun. Didapatkan 334 data kasus
(anak terdiagnosis asma bronkial dan rhinitis alergika) dan 2877 data kontrol (anak
tanpa riwayat asma bronkial dan rhinitis alergika). Sebanyak 58 data pada
kelompok kasus dan 871 data pada kelompok kontrol telah dieksklusi. Data
demografi, seperti asi eksklusif, antibiotik perinatal, riwayat alergi kedua orang tua
dan metode lahir diperoleh melalui lembar quisioner yang diisi oleh orang tua.
Hasil: Rasio siswa dan siswi pada penelitian ini adalah 1:1,2. Tiga ratus lima anak
(13,4%) lahir via cesar dan 1977 anak lainnya (86,6%) lahir pervaginam. Kejadian
sectio cesarean berhubungan signifikan dengan terjadinya hipersensitivitas tipe 1
(asma bronkial dan rhinitis alergika) pada siswa dan siswi SD & SMP
Muhammadiyah di kota Yogyakarta (OR = 1,56 [95% CI 1,12-2,17], p = 0,008).
Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kejadian sectio cesarea dengan
terjadinya hipersensitivitas tipe 1 pada siswa dan siswi SD & SMP Muhammadiyah
di kota Yogyakarta (OR = 0,85 [95% CI 0,48-1,51], p = 0,58), apabila riwayat
hipersensitivitas tipe 1 (asma bronkial dan rhinitis alergika) pada kedua orang tua
ditetapkan sebagai kriteria eksklusi.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kejadian sectio cesarea
dengan terjadinya hipersensitivitas tipe 1 pada siswa dan siswi SD & SMP
Muhammadiyah di kota Yogyakarta yang pada salah satu atau kedua orang tuanya
mempunyai riwayat hipersensitivitas tipe 1 (asma bronkial dan rhinitis alergika). | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Background: Type 1 (asthma bronchiale and allergic rhinitis) hypersensitive
incident is increasing with also increasing numbers of caesarean section recently.
Birth Cohort studies on many developed countries have shown a significant
correlation between caesarean section with asthma bronchiale and allergic
rhinitis. This study is required to understand the correlation between section
caesarean and type 1 hypersensitivity (asthma bronchiale and allergic rhinitis)
among primary and secondary school students in Yogyakarta city.
Methods: A case control study that included 3211 children, male and female
primary and secondary school students on Muhammadiyah School of Yogyakarta,
at age 7-15 years. We obtained 334 case (on children diagnosed asthma bronchiale
and allergic rhinitis) and 2877 data control (on children without any history of
asthma bronchiale and allergic rhinitis). A numbers of 58 data on case group and
871 data on control group have been excluded. Demographic data, for example
exclusive ASI, perinatal antibiotic, allergy history on both parents, and birth
method were obtained from questionnaire papers, filled by the parents.
Results: Ratio of male student and female student in this research is 1:1,2. 305
children (13,4%) were born via cesarean and the other 1977 children (86.6%) were
born via pervaginam. Caesarean section incident are significantly related with type
1 hypersensitivity (asthma bronchiale and allergic rhinitis) incident on male and
female student on primary and secondary school of Muhammdaiyah in Yogyakarta
city (OR = 1,56 [95% CI 1,12-2,17], p = 0,008). There are no significant
correlation between caesarean section incident with type 1 hypersensitivity (asthma
bronchiale and allergic rhinitis) on male and female student on primary and
secondary school of Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta city (OR = 0,85 [95% CI 0,48-
1,51], p = 0,58), if the type 1 hypersensitivity (asthma bronchiale and allergic
rhinitis) history on both parents are treated as excluded criteria.
Conclusions: There was significant correlation between section cesarean incident
with type 1 hypersensitivity incident on male and female student on primary and
secondary school of Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta city, provided that one or both
parents of the student have a type 1 hypersensitivity history (asthma bronchiale and
allergic rhinitis). | en_US |
dc.publisher | FKIK UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | Type 1 hypersensitivity, Caesarean section, Yogyakarta. Hipersensitivitas tipe 1, Sectio cesarea, Yogyakarta | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
073 | en_US |