dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.author | AZIZAH, ARIFAH | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-08-15T06:06:35Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-08-15T06:06:35Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017-06-07 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/12925 | |
dc.description | Latar Belakang Lebih dari 21 juta orang di Indonesia diperkirakan menyandang diabetes mellitus pada tahun 2030. Angka kejadian obesitas dan diabetes mellitus tinggi di penjuru dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan obesitas dengan neuropati diabetik perifer pada pasien diabetes mellitus.
Metode Penelitian Metode penelitian cross-sectional untuk menganalisa obesitas dan neuropati diabetik perifer dilakukan pada 62 pasien diabetes di RSUD Kota Yogyakarta, yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan ada atau tidaknya neuropati diabetik perifer. Neuropati diabetik perifer diukur hanya menggunakan kuesioner Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom (DNS-Score).
Hasil Penelitian Hasil didapatkan penderita neuropati diabetik perifer sebanyak 28 orang (45,16%); perempuan 25 orang (89,29%), laki-laki 3 orang (10,71%), usia <55 tahun 3 orang (10,71%), usia ≥ 55 tahun 25 0rang (89,29%), lama menderita DM < 5 tahun 6 orang (21,43%), lama menderita DM ≥ 5 tahun 22 orang (78,57%), obesitas 14 orang (50%) dan tidak obesitas 14 orang (50%). Setelah dilakukan analisis data didapatkan hasil p >0,05 (p=0,818).
Kesimpulan Kesimpulan didapatkan tidak ada hubungan antara obesitas dengan neuropati diabetik perifer. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Background Over twenty one million people in Indonesia were estimated to be become diabetic by year 2030. The rates of both obesity and diabetes mellitus are high on the worlwide. The goal of this study was to describe the relationship of obesity and diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in persons with diabetes mellitus.
Research Methods A cross-sectional analysis of obesity and diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) was conducted among 62 diabetic subjects in RSUD Kota Yogyakarta, who were grouped based on presence or absence of DPN. DPN was determined only by questioner of Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom (DNS-Score).
Results Twenty eight of the diabetic persons had peripheral neuropathy (45,16%); 25 persons were woman (89,29%), 3 persons were man (10,71%), 3 persons were age<55 years (10,71%), 25 persons were age≥55 years (89,29%), 6 persons had duration of DM<5 years (21,43%), 22 persons had duration of DM≥5 years (78,57%), 14 persons had obesity (50%) and 14 persons had no obesity (50%). After data analysis was conducted, obtained result p >0,05 (p=0,818).
Conclusion The result can be concluded that obesity had no association with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. | en_US |
dc.publisher | FKIK UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | obesity, diabetic neuropathy, diabetes mellitus. neuropati diabetik, obesitas, diabetes mellitus | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
013 | en_US |