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dc.contributor.authorFACHRUDDIN, ACHMAD
dc.contributor.authorRAHAYU, LESTARI
dc.descriptionThe abstract of "Prerequisite Evaluation for Success of Warehouse Receipt System in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Indonesia" was presented in International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources (Fanres), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 21-23 August 2017.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) is a delayed selling solution during high yield and financing alternative for farmers. During 2011-2016, there was a decreasing trend of WR transactions in Bantul regency and the participants of WR transactions were dominated by cooperatives. In addition, the participants of the WRS came only from a small part of the districts, while the rice production centers spread throughout the district. This condition indicated that there was an unfulfilled prerequisite for success of the WRS. This study aims to identify the role of stakeholders in the implementation of WRS and evaluate the prerequisite for success of WRS in Bantul regency. This research is a case study on WRS in Bantul regency. The regency were chosen since there were considerable low warehouse receipt transactions. The evaluation of the role of stakeholders and the prerequisites for success of WRS is explored through in-depth interviews with stakeholders of the WRS including: (i) warehouse managers (Village Cooperative Unit/Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Tani Harjo), (ii) Department of Trade, (iii) Department of Agricultural, Food, Marine and Fisheries, and (iv) agricultural extension workers. The prerequisite for success of the WRS refers to the scientific publication of the Research and Development Board of the Ministry of Trade: (i) the commitment of local government, (ii) institutional integration in a region, (iii) education and socialization to farmers, (iv) increased production, and (v) the existence of buyers of stored commodities. Each prerequisite is clarified with indicators which will be used in in-depth interviews. Data analysis was done using descriptive method. The result showed that Institutions that have a big role in increasing warehouse receipts transactions are warehouse managers and Department of Trade, while others are less proactive in WRS development. Of the five prerequisites, "increased production" is a prerequisite that reinforces the existence of WRS in Bantul regency, since there is still a harvest that implies the fall of paddy prices (around January-April). On the other hand, the existence and success of the WRS in the future are depends on two prerequisite of "the commitment of local government" and "education and socialization to farmers". The local governments have provided support for WRS through Local Government Expenditure Budgets (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah/APBD), but there is local government program that are not in line with WRS, namely the Community Food Distribution Agency (Lembaga Distribusi Pangan Masyarakat). LDPM and WRS are both aims to stabilize selling price of paddy, but LDPM runs earlier and spreads in nine districts of rice production centers. In addition, WRS socialization is done with a centralized pattern, not touching farmers / farmer groups at the village level. These findings indicate the need for the local governments to supports programs related to WRS and to intensify the dissemination of WRS to farmers in potential villagesen_US
dc.publisherInternational Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources 2017en_US
dc.subjectwarehouse receipt system (WRS)en_US
dc.subjectprerequisite evaluationen_US
dc.subjectincreased productionen_US
dc.subjectlocal govermenten_US

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