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dc.contributor.advisorMULYONO, MULYONO
dc.contributor.advisorASTUTI, AGUNG
dc.contributor.authorMAHMUD, SAID HAIDIR
dc.descriptionTujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh aktivator alam dalam mempercepat proses dekomposisi ampas aren, mengamati aktifitas dan perubahan kompos ampas aren selama dekomposisi berlangsung dalam waktu empat minggu dan mendapatkan kualitas kompos ampas aren yang sesuai SNI. Penelitian ini dilakukan sejak bulan maret – april 2017, Penelitian dilakukan 2 tahap, yaitu tahap awal selama 30 hari dan tahap akhir selama 30 hari. Percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktor tunggal dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu : pupuk kandang, kompos tua jerami padi, stardec dan tanpa aktivator. Masing – masing perlakuan diulang 3 kali sehingga didapat 12 unit percobaan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengamati pengomposan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi pengamatan fisik (suhu, warna, bau, kadar air,ukuran partikel) dan pengamatan kimia (pH, C organik, kandungan BO, kadar N total, C/N rasio). Jika data hasil analisis kompos ampas aren pada tahap awal menunjukkan tidak ada beda nyata dan tidak memenuhi SNI kompos, maka akan di lanjutkan proses pengomposan ke tahap akhir. Pada tahap akhir metode, perlakuan yang dicobakan dan jumlah ulangan semuanya sama, kecuali berat bahan ampas aren. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan aktivator pupuk kandang, kompos tua jerami padi, stardec dan kontrol memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kualitas kompos ampas aren, namun perlakuan terbaik terhadap kualitas kompos ampas aren adalah perlakuan Stardec. Perlakuan aktivator pupuk kandang merupakan yang terbaik untuk mendekomposisikan limbah ampas aren.en_US
dc.description.abstractPurpose to examine the influence of aktivator nature in accelerate the process of the dregs of the aren decomposition, observing the activity and changes of the dregs of the aren compost during the decomposition process within four week and to get a quality dregs of the aren compost which is appropriate with SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia). This research was done from march - April 2016, the study was conducted 2 stages, namerly an early stage for 30 days and late stages of over 30 days. Experiment arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) single factor with 4 treatment: manure rice straw compost and without activator. Each treatment repeated 3 times so there are 12 experiment units. Data collection is done by obseving the decomposition. The observed parameters included physical axamiation (temperature, color, odor, moisture content and partcle size) and chemical axamonation (pH,C organic, content BO, content N total, ratio C/N). If the data of compost analysis the dregs of the aren in the early stages show no real difference and not comply with SNI compost, it will be continued in the composting process to the final stage. In the final stages, the treated treatments and the number of replicates are all the same, except the weight the dregs of the aren waste. The results of the research showed that the addition of the manure activator, the old compost of rice straw, stardec and control give a real effect to the quality of the compost the dregs of the palmsugar. but the best treatment of the quality of palm sugar compost is Stardec treatment. The manure activator treatment is the best for decomposing waste palm sugar.en_US
dc.publisherFP UMYen_US
dc.subjectComposting the palm waste, incremen activator. Pengomposan Ampas Aren, Penambahan Aktivator.en_US
dc.typeThesis SKR F P 186en_US

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