dc.contributor.advisor | WIDADI,SIGIT | |
dc.contributor.advisor | FITRIYAH,AIDATUL | |
dc.contributor.author | DWIYONO, MOHAMAD IKHSAN D | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-01-23T07:01:50Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-01-23T07:01:50Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017-09-26 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/17195 | |
dc.description | Pengukur saturasi oksigen (SpO2) secara non invasive adalah alat yang berfungsi untuk menghitung saturasi oksigen dengan metode perubahan warna cahaya pada LED merah dan infra merah tanpa melukai jari dalam satuan persentase (%).
SpO2 menggunakan panjang gelombang cahaya infra merah (910 nm) dan cahaya LED merah (650 nm) yang ditangkap oleh sensor deteksi (photodiode) setelah melewati pembuluh darah pada ujung jari tangan. Data dari photodiode dikirim ke mikrokontroler Arduino kemudian ditampilkan ke LCD. Di mikrokontroler Arduino, data tersebut diolah dan diproses untuk mendapatkan nilai saturasi oksigen. Keadaan normal nilai saturasi oksigen adalah antara 85 % sampai 100 % dan keadaan abnormal nilai saturasi oksigen adalah < 85 %.
Dalam pengujian alat, penulis menggunakan pengujian dengan membandingkan alat pembanding yang telah terkalibrasi agar dapat diketahui keakuratannya. Berdasarkan pengujian alat, diperoleh hasil bahwa alat pengukur saturasi oksigen (SpO2) dilengkapi alarm untuk diagnosa abnormal bekerja dengan baik dan memiliki nilai error yaitu 2.69169 %. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | The measurement tool of oxygen saturation (SpO2) in non-invasive way is a tool that functions to count the oxygen saturation with light colour changing method in red LED and infrared without hurting the fingers in percentage unit.
SpO2 uses wavelength of infrared (910 nm) and red LED light (650 nm) captured by detection sensor (photodiode) after passing through blood vessel in the fingertip. The data from photodiode are delivered to micro controller of Arduino and then are shown on LCD. In Arduino micro controller, the data are managed and processed to obtain oxygen saturation value. The normal condition of oxygen saturation value is between 85 % until 100 % and the abnormal condition of oxygen saturation value is < 85 %.
In the tool testing, the researcher used the testing by comparing the comparison tools that have been calibrated so that the accuracy can be recognized. Based on the tool testing, the result was that the measurement tool of oxygen saturation (SpO2) equipped with alarm for abnormal diagnose worked well and had error value of 2.69169 %. | en_US |
dc.publisher | D3 UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | SpO2, Infrared, red LED, Photodiode, Abnormal. SpO2, Infra merah, LED merah, Photodiode, Abnormal | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
118 | en_US |