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dc.contributor.advisorNUGROHO, ARIS WIDYO
dc.contributor.advisorRAHMAN, MUHAMMAD BUDI NUR
dc.contributor.authorSUSILO, SUSILO
dc.descriptionKampas rem dipasaran umumnya terbuat dari bahan asbestos yang tidak ramah lingkungan dan membahayakan bagi kesehatan manusia. Maka dibuat bahan kampas rem dari bahan non asbestos dengan metode biokomposit yang memanfaatkan penguat dari bahan alam yang direkat matriks polyester. Biokomposit saat ini mulai diminati karena ramah lingkungan, ketersediaan dialam banyak, dan biaya produksi yang rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat kampas rem dari bahan bonggol jagung ditambah aluminium oxide bermatrik polyester dengan melakukan pengujian kekerasan, keausan serta foto makro untuk diaplikasikan pada kampas rem. Proses pembuatan spesimen yang pertama serbuk bonggol jagung dialkalisasi dalam larutan 10 % NaOH selama 24 jam. Komposisi bonggol jagung divariasikan masing-masing 25, 35, 45, dan 55 % dan komposisi aluminium oxide dibuat tetap yaitu 25 %. Campuran bonggol jagung, aluminium oxide dan resin polyester dituang kedalam cetakan kemudian diberi tekanan dengan alat press sebesar 1 ton selama 24 jam. Pengujian yang dilakukan yaitu foto makro, uji kekerasan dan keausan. Hasil pengujian spesimen dibandingkan dengan kampas rem Indopart. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi fraksi volume bonggol jagung maka semakin rendah nilai kekerasannya tetapi semakin tinggi nilai keausannya. Variasi fraksi volume bonggol jagung 35 % dengan nilai kekerasan 91,9 HD dan nilai keausan 1,01 x 10-8 mm2/kg mendekati nilai kekerasan dan nilai keausan kampas rem Indopart dengan nilai kekerasan 93,1 HD dan nilai keausan 1,07 x 10-8 mm2/kg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi fraksi volume kampas rem bonggol jagung yang mendekati nilai kekerasan dan nilai keausan kampas rem Indopart dapat diaplikasikan pada sepeda motor.en_US
dc.description.abstractExisting brake linings generally are made of asbestos materials that are not environmentally friendly and harmful to human health. Therefore a brake non asbestos linings using biocomposite method, utilizing natural materials with matrix polyester is made biocomposite is currently starting to get interest because it is environmental friendly, the availability is good, and has low production cost. The purpose of this research is to make a brake lining out of corncob, aluminum oxide and matrix polyester by doing hardness test, wear test and macro photo on the brake lining. The first process of making specimen is to soak corncobs powder in solution of 10 % NaOH for 24 hours. The composition of corncobs powder is varied for each 25, 35, 45, and 55 % and aluminum oxide compositions is fixed at 25 %. A mixture of corncob, aluminum oxide and matrix polyester poured into the mold and then pressurized 1 ton for 24 hours. Test conducted are macro photos, hardness test and wear test. Specimen test results is compared to Indopart brake lining. The results of research indicate that a higher volume fraction of corncob cause a lower value of hardness but higher value of wear. The variation of volume fraction of 35 % corncob with a value of hardness 91,9 HD and value of wear 1.01 x 10-8 kg/mm2 were approaching the value of hardness and wear of the Indopart brake linings which had value of hardness 93.1 HD and value of wear 1.07 x 10-8 kg/mm2. The results showed that the variation of volume fraction of the brake linings of corncob were approaching the value of hardness and wear of the Indopart brake linings which could be applied on a motorcycle.en_US
dc.publisherFT UMYen_US
dc.subjectcorncobs powder, brake lining, composite. serbuk bonggol jagung, kampas rem, komposit.en_US
dc.typeThesis SKR F T 006en_US

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