Now showing items 5896-5915 of 28176

      Economic development, PDRB, LQ analysis, Shift-share analysis, MRP analysis, Klassen Typology analysis and SWOT analysis. Pembangunan ekonomi, PDRB, analisis LQ, analisis Shift-share, analisis MRP, analisis Tipology Klassen dan analisis SWOT [1]
      Economic development, Traditional markets, Income, Captal, and Study. [1]
      economic diplomacy, economic partnership, Indonesia, Turkey. [1]
      Economic Diplomacy, Export Strengthening, Coffee Exports [1]
      Economic Diplomacy, Indonesia, Trade Promotion, Brand Image, The Philippines [1]
      Economic Diplomacy, Multi National Cooperation (MNC), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), SGMW, National Interest [1]
      economic efficiency, frontier, organic rice farming. efisiensi ekonomi, frontier, usahatani padi organik [1]
      Economic Empowerment, Women [1]
      economic growing, labor force, the output of goverment in education, and open unemployement level [1]
      Economic Growth [1]
      economic growth [1]
      Economic Growth (PDRB), Life Expectancy Rate (AHH), Purchasing Power Parity Index (PPPI), Total of Big Industry (JIB). Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (PDRB), Angka harapan hidup (AHH), Indeks Kemamupan Daya Beli (PPPI) , Jumlah Industri Besar (JIB) [1]
      economic growth, credit, exports, imports, labor [1]
      Economic Growth, District Own Source Revenue (PAD), General Allocation Fund (DAU), Specific Allocation Fund (DAK) and Capital Expenditures [1]
      Economic Growth, Export, FDI, Labor, Multiple regression [1]
      economic growth, government expenditure, employment anxiety, and tourism. pertumbuhan ekonomi, pengeluaran pemerintah, angkatan kerja, dan pariwisata [1]
      economic growth, human development index, inflation, minimum wage, special region of Yogyakarta pertumbuhan ekonomi, indeks pembangunan manusia, inflasi, upah minimum, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta [1]
      Economic Growth, Inequality Development, Williamson index, Theil Entrophy index, Kuznets Hypothesis [1]