Now showing items 50-69 of 161

      Financial Statement, Snapshoes Care, SAK ETAP Laporan Keuangan, Snapshoes Care, SAK ETAP [1]
      Financial Statements, SAK ETAP, KPKB [1]
      Fixed asset revaluation, Income tax expense, loan interest expense [1]
      flypaper effect, financial performance [1]
      FREE TRADE [1]
      FVA [1]
      Good Government Governance, BPHTB, Legal Certainty, Effective, Efficient, Justice, Transparency, Accountability [1]
      Health Assessment, Analysis Based on Government Regulation No. 14 / Per / K.KUKM / XII / 2009 [1]
      Hospital, Financial Statement, PSAK No.45, Government Accounting Standards, Non-profit organization. Rumah Sakit, Laporan Keuangan, PSAK No.45, Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah, BLU, Organisasi Nirlaba [1]
      Ijarah financing, DSN-MUI fatwa NO.09/DSN-MUI/IV/2000, Procedure of proposing and implementation of akad ijarah on haji and umroh bailout [1]
      Ijarah, Fatwa DSN-MUI. Ijarah, Fatwa DSN-MUI [1]
      ijarah, finance, umrah, DSN MUI ijarah, pembiayaan, umroh, DSN MUI [1]
      Implementasi, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Implementation, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). [1]
      Independence ratio, dependence ratio, local finance [1]
      internal control system, cash expenditure system. Sistem pengendalian internal, sistem penggeluaran kas [1]
      Internal Control System, Credit, Small and Medium Enterprises. Sistem Pengendalian Internal, Kredit, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah. [1]
      internal control system, imprest fund, cash expenditure, cash. sistem pengendalian internal, imprest fund, pengeluaran kas, kas [1]
      Internal Control, Systems and Procurement Procedures, Document Verification. Pengendalian Intern, Sistem dan Prosedur Pengadaan, Verifikasi Dokumen [1]