Now showing items 142-161 of 161

      Sharia Cooperation, Ijarah financing, Non Performing Financing [1]
      Sharia Gold Pawn, Financing Procedures, Accounting Journal. Gadai Emas Syariah, Prosedur Pembiayaan, Jurnal Akuntansi. [1]
      Sistem Akuntansi, Sistem Penggajian, Karyawan. Accounting System, System Of Pay, Employees [1]
      Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dan Pengendalian Interen Penggajian Karyawan. Accounting Information System and Internal Control of Payroll Employees [1]
      Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Dana Dinas, Pembelian Barang Material. Accounting Information System, Official Loan, and Purchases of Material Goods [1]
      Sistem Pemungutan Pajak, Pajak Pertambahan Nilai. Tax collection system, Value Added Tax. [1]
      Sistem Pengendalian Internal, Fraud, Account Officer, COSO [1]
      Stocking Good of Fixed Asset Procedures, Stocking Good/Service of Goverment, Direct Stocking Method. [1]
      SUILTNAUQ R [1]
      System, Payroll, Procedure, Flowchart Sistem, Penggajian, Prosedur, Bagan Alir [1]
      Systems and Procedures Administration of State Revenues, State Revenues, Transfer of State Revenues. Sistem dan Prosedur Penatausahaan Penerimaan Negara, Penerimaan Negara, Pelimpahan Penerimaan Negara [1]
      Tax Amnesty, Taxpayer, Tax Revenue Rises. Pengampunan Pajak, Wajib Pajak, Penerimaan Pajak Meningkat [1]
      the Amil Zakat InfaqSadaqah Institution of Muhammadiyah, the record of financial report, the implementation of PSAK 109 [1]
      The calculation and withholding Income Tax, Tax number, The system of tax collection, the tax laws. Perhitungan dan pemotongan PPh pasal 21, NPWP, sistem pemungutan pajak, undang-undang perpajakan [1]
      Value Added Tax (VAT), Income Tax, Output Tax. Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN), Pajak Masukan, Pajak Keluaran [1]
      VSD'SRSAIEU1L [1]