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dc.contributor.authorHANDAYANI, DEVIE FITRIA
dc.descriptionLatar Belakang : Atopi adalah suatu kecenderungan genetik berkembangnya hipersensitivitas setelah pajanan alergen tertentu yang ditandai dengan peningkatan antibodi IgE dalam sirkulasi. Terdapat peningkatan angka prevalensi atopi di negara berkembang dibandingkan di negara maju yang disebabkan perubahan lingkungan dan pola hidup Atopi selain disebabkan perubahan lingkungan dan pola hidup, juga disebabkan oleh faktor genetik. Penyakit atopi dipandang sebagai penyakit yang ringan dan biasa dijumpai pada anak, namun dalam perjalanannya ternyata dapat mempengaruhi derajat kesehatan, kualitas hidup, serta mortalitas seseorang. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional untuk menilai hubungan antara riwayat atopi terhadap pola sensivitas hasil tes uji cukit kulit (skin prict test). Dalam penelitian cross secsional peneliti melakukan observasi atau pengukuran variabel pada satu saat. Subyek yang diikut sertakan dalam penelitian ini ada 86 anak usia 10-12 tahun di dua sekolah dasar yang berbeda. Hasil : pada subjek yang memiliki riwayat atopi diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu kelompok dengan riwayat Rhinitis Alergi, Asthma dan Dermatitis Atopi serta alergi makanan. Pada subjek yang memiliki riwayat Rhiitis Alergi didapatkan hasil skin prick test positif sebanyak 29 anak (47,5%) dengan signifikasi (p=0,363) subjek dengan riwayat Asthma didapat hasil skin prick test positif sebanyak 11 anak (18,0%) dengan signifikasi (p=0,000) subjek dengan riwayat Dermatits Atopi didapatkan hasil skin prick test positif sebanyak 12 anak (19,7%) dengan signifikasi (p=0,000) dan subjek dengan riwayat alergi makanan didapat hasil skin prick test yang positif sebanyak 8 anak (13,1%) dengan signifikasi (p=0,000). Kesimpulan : pada subjek yang dilakukan pemeriksaan dapat disimpulkn bahwa terdapat hubungan antara riwayat atopi terhadap pola sensivitas hasil uji cukit kulit (skin prick test).en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground : Atopic is a genetic predisposition of developing hyper sensitivity after the exposure to certain allergens which is characterized by elevated IgE antibodies in the circulation There is an increased prevalence of atopy happened in developing countries compared to developed countries due to changes of environment and lifestyle. Atopy is caused not only by the changes of the environment and lifestyle, but also by genetic factors. Atopic disease is considered as a minor disease and it is commonly found in children. However, it can also affect the health status, quality of life, and mortality of a person. Metode : This study used an observational research design with cross sectional approach to assess the correlation between atopic history and the sensitivity pattern of skin prict test. In a cross-sectional study, the researchers observed or measured the variables at one time. There were 86 children aged 10-12 years old from two different primary schools. Results: Subjects with atopic history were classified into 3 groups: groups with a history of Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma and Atopic Dermatitis and food allergies. There was a positive skin prick test result, that is 29 children (47.5%), with significance (p=0.363) for subjects with a history of allergic rhinitis, while for subjects with Asthma history, a positive skin prick test results of 11 children (18.0%) was obtained, with significance (p=0,000). Moreover, subjects with a history of Atopic Dermatits, a positive skin prick test results of 12 children (19.7%) was also obtained with significance (p = 0,000) and at last, subjects with a history of food allergy, a positive skin prick test results obtained was 8 children (13,1%) with signification (p = 0,000). Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is a correlation between atopic history and the sensitivity patterns of skin prick test for the subjects being examined.en_US
dc.publisherFKIK UMYen_US
dc.subjectdermatitis atopi, uji tusuk kulit, asthma, rhinitis alergi, alergi makanan. atopic dermatitis, skin prick test, asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergy.en_US
dc.typeThesis SKR FKIK 466en_US

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