Now showing items 1683-1702 of 5292

      Import, Beef Production, GDP, Total Population, Inflation [1]
      import, IRF, currency, Gross Domestic Product, inflation, VDC, VECM. Impor, IRF, Kurs, Produk Domestik Bruto, Inflasi, VDC dan VECM [1]
      import; price; exchange rate; production; GDP; VECM; IRF; VDC. Impor; Harga; Kurs; Produksi; PDB; VECM; IRF; VDC. [1]
      IMPORTS [3]
      Impulse Buying [1]
      Impulse Buying, Environmental Factors, Emotional States, Mehrabian and Russell's Model. Pembelian Impulsif, Faktor Lingkungan, Keadaan Emosional, Model Mehrabian dan Russell [1]
      impulse buying, store environments, sales promotion, positive emotions. pembelian tidak terencana, lingkungan toko, promosi penjualan, emosi positif [1]
      INCENTIVE [1]
      Incentive, Job Satisfaction, Emplyee Performance Insentif, Kepuasan Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan [1]
      Incentives, age, power, incoming, departing, and CSR disclosure. [1]
      Incentives, motivation, performance [1]
      INCOME [5]
      Income Inequality, Economic Growth, Unemployment, Human Development Index (HDI) Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) per capita, Domestic Investment (DI), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), random effect model [1]
      Income Inequality, Human Development Indeks, Labor Force Participation Rate, GDP Percapita, Total Population. [1]
      Income Inequality, human development index, GDP per capita, population, fixed effect model. [1]
      Income of Coffe Farmers, Multipe Linier Analysis, Coffe Production, Coffe Quality and Coffe Production Risk. [1]
      income per capita, economic growth, level of education, labor absorption. kunci: pendapatan perkapita, pertumbuhan ekonomi, tingkat pendidikan, tenaga kerja terserap. [1]