Now showing items 131-140 of 3652

    The research aimed to analyze the effect of transformational leadership and justiced management of career on employee performance through employee engagement as intervening variable. The acquired information is useful for corporate considerations to increase improving employee engagement more and application of transformational leadership and justiced management of career in Waroeng Spesial Sambal. Sample determined through purposive sampling. The subjects were some employees at four branches of Waroeng Spesial Sambal in Yogyakarta. data collection technique used Questioner and elicited 120 respondents. The data analyzed through structural equation modeling with AMOS Program version 22. Based on data analyze result concluded that transformational leadership and justiced management of career have positive effect and significant on employee performance, transformational leadership and justiced management of career have positive effect and significant on Employee Engagement, Employee Engagement has positive effect and significant on employee performance, transformational leadership and justiced management of career have positive effect and significant on employee performance through Employee Engagement as Intervening variable (1)
    the role of cooperatives, management systems, feasibility studies (1)
    The Role of Sharia Banking, Financing, Development, UMKM Performance (1)
    The Seriousness Level of Fraud, Self-Efficacy, Organizational Support, Locus of Commitment and Intentions to Perform Whistleblowing. (1)
    the shariah supervisory board , the financial services authority (1)
    the size of the Audit Committee, the composition of the Board of Independent Commissioners, the size of the Sharia Supervisory Board, Managerial Ownership, Leverage, Liquidity and ISR. ukuran Komite Audit, komposisi Dewan Komisaris Independen, ukuran Dewan Pengawas Syariah, Kepemilikan Manajerial, Leverage, Likuiditas dan ISR. (1)
    The size of the board of commissioners, proportion of independent board, the number of board meetings, leverage, environmental disclosure. Ukuran dewan komisaris independen, Proporsi dewan komisaris independen, Jumlah rapat dewan komisaris, Leverage, environmental disclosure (2)