Now showing items 31-40 of 2132

    Advertisement, AIDAS, BRI Syariah, Hajj Saving. This research aims to determine how big the influence of product advertising saving hajj BRI Syariah IB toward the responses of KBIH Aisyiyah Bantul through AIDAS (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, Satisfaction) approach. This study used a quantitative approach with purposive sampling sample, data were collected by distributing the questionairs. Data was analyzed by Simple Linier Regretion. The result show Y = 8.413 + 2.149X which means that there is no variable advertisement will remain the AIDAS response of 8.413. In any increase of one variable respon than it will happen increase the AIDAS response of 2.149. From the results of dissemination and data analysis using SPSS with descriptive statistic frequencies obtained a results respone to the Attention of 3.15, response to the Interest of 3.16, response to the Desire of 3.18, response to the Action of 3.17, and response to the Satisfaction of 3.10. The overall response of the high criteria but the response which revered to the highest response is the desire. (1)
    Affective Commitment, Employee Performance, Turnover Intention. (1)
    affective commitment, person organization fit, employee performance. : komitmen afektif, person organization fit, kinerja karyawan. (1)
    affective commitment, person-job fit, person-organization fit, job involvement. komitmen afektif, person-job fit, person-organization fit, job involvement (1)
    Affective commitment, Transformational Leadership, Leader Member-Exchange, Organizational Citizenship Behavior. (1)
    aggressive behavior, peers. Perilaku Agresif, Teman Sebaya (1)
    Agresivitas remaja, dan guru Bimbingan Konseling. (1)
    Agresivitas Siswa (1)
    AHP (1)