dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.author | KHOLIQ, RADEN ABDUL | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-06-07T01:41:12Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-06-07T01:41:12Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017-06-08 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/19640 | |
dc.description | Latar Belakang : Hipertensi telah menjadi masalah kesehatan utama di dunia
dengan jumlah penderita hampir satu milyar orang. Menurut data “World Health
Organization” pada tahun 2000 memperlihatkan bahwa sekitar 972 juta orang
penduduk di dunia telah menderita hipertensi dan angka tersebut akan semakin
meningkat pada tahun-tahun berikutnya. Kejadian dan progresi hipertensi dapat
meningkatkan risiko yang disebabkan oleh asam urat tinggi (AUT) ataupun asam
urat normal tinggi (AUNT). Penelitian dengan potong lintang menunjukan adanya
hubungan antara hipertensi dengan hiperurikemia. Penderita dengan kadar asam
urat normal dibandingkan dengan penderita hiperurikemia memiliki rasio 16 kali
lebih besar kemungkinan menderita hipertensi.
Metode : Pemilihan subyek penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik purposive
sampling yaitu penetapan sampel dengan cara memilih sampel diantara populasi
yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang dikehendaki oleh peneliti.peneliti mendapatkan
subyek penelitian sejumlah 381 orang yang sesuai dengan jumlah sampel minimal
pada penelitian ini
Hasil : Pada hubungan antara kadar asam urat dengan hipertensi pada pria,
didapatkan hasil sebesar p=0,009 dan r=0,206. Pada hubungan antara kadar asam
urat dengan hipertensi pada wanita didapatkan hasil sebesar p=<0,001 dan
r=0,233. Dan pada hubungan asam urat pada pria dan wanita didapatkan hasil
sebesar p=<0,001 r=0,639.
Kesimpulan : Berdasakan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat
disimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang rendah serta hubungan yang bermakna
antara kadar asam urat dan hipertensi antara pria dan wanita, dan terdapat korelasi
yang kuat serta hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar asam urat pada pria dan
wanita, namun | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Background : Hypertension has become the main problem in this world with
nearly one trillion patients. According to World Health Organization, in 2000
there was 972 million population in this world who had hypertension and this
number can increase in the years that follow. There were hypertension
happenings and progresses that augment the risk due to high uric acid (HUA) or
normal high uric acid (NHUA). There were a number of researchers with cross
sectional cases reported that there is a correlation between hypertension and
hyperuricemia. Patients with normal uric acid level is compared with
hyperuricemia patients having 16 times greater the possibility of having
Method: Choosing research subjects was done with purposive sampling technic,
that is, the determined sample was done by choosing the sampe among the
population that matched the criteria wanted by the researcher. The researcher
obtained 381 people as subjects of research who were in accordance to the
minimum sample in this research.
Result: The association between uric acid level with hypertension on males, was
found that P=0,009 and r=0,206. The association between uric acid level with
hypertension on females, was found that p=<0,001 and r=0,233. While the
association of uric acid on males and females was p=<0,001 and r=0,639.
Conclusion: According to the research result accomplished, it was concluded that
there was a low correlation and significant association on uric acid level and
hypertension between males and females. There was also a strong correlation and
significant association on uric acid level between males and females, however
there was higher risk on females compared to males. | en_US |
dc.publisher | FKIK UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | Hypertension, Uric Acid, males and females. hipertensi, asam urat, pria dan wanita | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
030 | en_US |