Now showing items 2160-2175 of 2175

      WAQF [1]
      Whistle Blowing, Organizational Commitment, Corporate Ethical Values, Job Satisfaction, The Seriousness of Violence and Personal Cost [1]
      Whistleblowing System, internal control system, organizational culture, organizational justice, fraud prevention. [1]
      Whistleblowing, Ethical Climate, Locus of Control, Organizational Commitment, Personal Cost. Whistleblowing, Ethical Climate, Locus of Control, Komitmen Organisasi, Personal Cost. [1]
      Whistleblowing, Financial Statement Fraud, Muatan Etika, Tingkat Religiusitas, Sikap Kearah Perilaku, Norma Subjektif dan Persepsi Kendali. Whistleblowing, Financial Statement Fraud, Ethical Content, Level of Religiosity, Behavior Toward Behavior, Subjective Norms and Perceptions of Control. [1]
      Whistleblowing, Level of Education Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment. [1]
      willingness to pay tax, knowledge of tax payers, tax penalties, service tax authorities, tax hotel, tax of boarding house more than ten rooms. [1]
      words: accounting profit, leverage, firm size, liquidity, and stock price. Laba akuntansi, leverage, ukuran perusahaan, likuiditas, dan harga saham. [1]
      work involvement, job satisfaction, psychological climate, turnover intention [1]
      Working ability, Working condition, Motivation, Incentive, Performance. Kemampuan Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja, Motivasi , Insentif, Kinerja [1]
      WORKLOAD [2]
      YOGYAKARTA [1]
      zakat produktif, Rumah Zakat , Dompet Dhuafa, Usaha Mikro [1]