Now showing items 21-40 of 1726

      , POPULATION [1]
      , POVERTY [1]
      , RISK [1]
      , UPAH [1]
      , UPAH MINIMUM [1]
      3 kg LPG, subsidized, prosperous family [1]
      : Error Correction Model, Foreign Exchange Reserve,Net Export,Foreign Debt,Exchange Rate [1]
      : Evaluasi Anggaran, Umpan Balik Anggaran, Kesulitan Tujuan Anggaran, dan Kinerja Aparat Pemerintah Daerah. [1]
      : firm size, growth opportunity, debt on assets ratio, nilai perusahaan [1]
      : Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB), Electricity Infrastructure, Government Expenditure on Education Development Index, and Human Development Index (IPM). [1]
      : Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM), kemiskinan dan belanja modal [1]
      : Keputusan Pembelian, Citra Negara Asal, Pengetahuan Produk, Keterlibatan Produk [1]
      : Quality Function Deployment (QFD), House of Quality (HoQ) dan Kualitas Layanan [1]
      : Relokasi parkir, Minat Berbelanja, Malioboro. Relocation of parking lot, Shopping Interest, Malioboro [1]
      :Economic growth, sharia market capitalization,sharia mutual fund, money supply,BI Rate.pertumbuhan ekonomi, kapitalisasi pasar saham syariah, reksa dana syariah, Jumlah Uang Beredar, Suku Bunga BI [1]
      ABILITY [1]
      ACCESS [1]
      Accrual Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Information Technology, Commitment, Education Background, Infrastructure [1]
      ACL injury, ACL reconstruction, arthroscopy, medical rehabilitation, functional status. cedera ACL, rekonstruksi ACL, arthroscopy, rehabilitasi medik, status fungsional. [1]
      Activity, Sales Growth, Intellectual Capital, Financial Distress. [1]