Now showing items 11-20 of 256

    Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM), Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Kemiskinan dan Pengeluaran Pemerintah Sektor Pendidikan (1)
    Indeks Williamson; Location Quotient, Shift-Share Arcelus, Corelation Pearson. Indeks Williamson; Lokasi Quotient, Shift-Share Arcelus, Corelation Pearson. (1)
    Indonesia (1)
    Industri Biofarmaka, Strategi Pengembangan, SWOT, Analytical Hierarchy Process. Bio-pharmachy Industry, Development Strategy, SWOT, Analytical Hierarchy Process (1)
    Inflasi (2)
    Inflation, Growth Money, Kurs, BI rate, GDP, IRF, VDC, and VECM. This research aims to analyze of growth money, kurs, BI rate, and GDP to inflation in Indonesia. The dependent variable used is inflation with independent variable is JUB, kurs, BI rate, and GDP. The date used in this research is a monthly for the period 2010:01-2016:06 from BI and BPS. The estimation tool used in this research is Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) using the help of Eviews 7.2. Estimation results show that in the short term the variable inflation itself, JUB and BI rate give significantly effect to inflation in Indonesia. While, variable kurs and GDP have no significantly effect to inflation. In the long term, the results of the estimation shows that the variable kurs and GDP give significantly effect to inflation. While, Variable JUB and BI rate have no significantly effect to inflation. Estimation results in this search also generates important analysis, it is IRF (Impulse Response Function) and VDC (Variance Decomposotion). The results of IRF from this research show if JUB and kurs give positive response to inflation. While, BI Rate and PDB give negative response to inflation.Based on the results of VDC, inflation give big contribution to the formation of inflation itself. (1)
    Inflation, Population number, the city minimum wage, Open Unemployment. Inflasi, Jumlah Penduduk, Upah Minimum Kota (UMK), Pengangguran terbuka. (1)
    interests, religiosity, location, facilities, promotion. Minat, religiusitas, lokasi, fasilitas, promosi. (1)
    Investasi, Tingkat Upah, Inflasi dan PDRB (1)
    Investment Sukuk, Quadrant Method, Sukuk Issuance Opportunities. Investasi Sukuk, Metode Kuadrant, Peluang Penerbitan Sukuk (1)