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dc.contributor.authorARIFIN, ISTIANAH
dc.contributor.authorFITRIYANTI, FADIA
dc.descriptionPresident Jokowi’s intention to join Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is becoming a long polemic up to now. The opposing group against the issues by delivering several negative arguments, while the supporter standing with the benefits. The article aims to elaborate the possibility of Indonesia to involve in the TPP in the perspective of national economic system. By using a doctrinal method, it can be concluded as follows; firstly; the President is not forbid to enter into international agreement. Secondly, according to the Article 11 of 1945 Constitution, to enter into the international agreement, President should have an approval from the Parliament. Thirdly; the President is allowed to do the international agreement, including the TPP, if the content of agreement is accordance with the Principles of Democratic Economy system as stated on the Article 23 Paragraph (1), Article 27 Paragraph (2), Article 28 C Paragraph (1), 28H Paragraph (1), Article 31, Article 33 and Article 34 of the 1945 Constitution. Basically, the idea to join TPP can be proceeded by the Government of Republic Indonesia, however President Jokowi needs to do several requirement beforehand. The first requirement is related to the ratification of agreement by the President which requires the approval from Parliament of Indonesia, since the impact of the agreement will affect the national economic sector. The second is the President should review again the document of TPP, comprehensively. Whether or not the agreement trade deal is contradict with the Indonesian economic system as stated in the Constitution. The third, President also needs to hear the opinion of experts and other sources, especially from the resisting groups. Last of all, President should guarantee and make the people believe that the ratification of the TPP will be not negatively impacted the Indonesian economic situation.en_US
dc.description.abstractPresident Jokowi’s intention to join Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is becoming a long polemic up to now. The opposing group against the issues by delivering several negative arguments, while the supporter standing with the benefits. The article aims to elaborate the possibility of Indonesia to involve in the TPP in the perspective of national economic system. By using a doctrinal method, it can be concluded as follows; firstly; the President is not forbid to enter into international agreement. Secondly, according to the Article 11 of 1945 Constitution, to enter into the international agreement, President should have an approval from the Parliament. Thirdly; the President is allowed to do the international agreement, including the TPP, if the content of agreement is accordance with the Principles of Democratic Economy system as stated on the Article 23 Paragraph (1), Article 27 Paragraph (2), Article 28 C Paragraph (1), 28H Paragraph (1), Article 31, Article 33 and Article 34 of the 1945 Constitution. Basically, the idea to join TPP can be proceeded by the Government of Republic Indonesia, however President Jokowi needs to do several requirement beforehand. The first requirement is related to the ratification of agreement by the President which requires the approval from Parliament of Indonesia, since the impact of the agreement will affect the national economic sector. The second is the President should review again the document of TPP, comprehensively. Whether or not the agreement trade deal is contradict with the Indonesian economic system as stated in the Constitution. The third, President also needs to hear the opinion of experts and other sources, especially from the resisting groups. Last of all, President should guarantee and make the people believe that the ratification of the TPP will be not negatively impacted the Indonesian economic situation.en_US
dc.subject1945 CONSTITUTIONen_US

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