Now showing items 165-184 of 326

      Kunci: deteksi cacat, pengolahan citra, ekstraksi ciri, curvelet transform, Support Vector Machine. [1]
      Kunci—deep learning; convolutional neural network; pengolahan citra [1]
      Laravel, Aplication of SPP payment, web [1]
      LEARNING [1]
      Learning Management System. [1]
      LEUKEMIA [1]
      Library Information System, Internet, Web, MVC MySQL. [1]
      Library, Books, Administration [1]
      Light Service Motorcylce, Simulation, Motorcycle treatment. Servis Ringan Sepeda Motor, Simulasi, Merawat Sepeda Motor [1]
      LMS moodle [1]
      Lokasi ODP , Slot ODP, Proses Survey. ODP location, ODP slot, Survey Process. [1]
      Management Information System, nformation Systems, Database Management Systems. Manajemen Informasi, Sistem Informasi, database Manajemen Sistem [1]
      Management of Change, Observation Agreement, Risk Assessment, Desktop Application. Management of Change, Observation Agreement, Penilaian Risiko, Aplikasi Desktop [1]
      Management, Library, Desktop Application, BlackBox Manajemen, Perpustakaan, Aplikasi Desktop, BlackBox [1]
      Marketing [1]
      Media dakwah, Syi’ar dakwah, Content Management System, Metode Alessi & Trollip, WordPress, MySQL. Syi’ar Media, syi'ar da'wah, Content Management System, Alessi & Trollip Method, WordPress, MySQL. [1]
      Media Relations, Barito Utara, Mass Media [1]
      meeting, Laravel, web development [1]
      Memorizing Al-Qur’an; Student Module, Muraja’ah Method; [1]
      Menggambar Busana, Aplikasi Edukasi, Alat bantu guru. Drawing Clothing, Education Applications, Tool for teachers. [1]