Now showing items 70-89 of 1225

      Bank Syariah, culture, knowledge, marketing. Bank Syariah, budaya, pengetahuan, dan promosi [1]
      Bank Syari’ah, Religiosity, Preference, Muhammadiyah Cadres. Bank Syariah, Religiusitas, Preferensi, Kader Muhammadiyah [1]
      bankruptcy, financial ratios, logistic regression, RBBR [1]
      BAPELURZAM [1]
      Basic principles of Islamic Business Ethics (fairness, free will, responsibility, truth) affecting Customer Retention [1]
      Bauran Pemasaran, Investasi, Keputusan Menabung. Marketing Mix, Investment, Decision to Save [1]
      Bauran pemasaran, Tabungan SiArif, Analisis SWOT. Marketing Mix, SiArif Saving Account, SWOT Analysis. [1]
      BAZNAS, home surgery, SDGs, poverty, habitability [1]
      Beauty influencer, gaya hidup, brand image, labelisasi halal, keputusan pembelian [1]
      benefits, credit cards, customer satisfaction [1]
      Berperilaku Baik dan Simpatik (Shidq), Berlaku Adil dalam Bisnis (Al-Adl), Bersikap Melayani dan Rendah Hati (Khidmah), Menepati Janji dan Tidak Curang, Jujur dan Terpercaya (Al-Amanah), Kepuasan Nasabah. Behaving Well and Sympathetic (Shidq), Being Just in Business (Al-Adl), Having Attitude of Serving and Low Profile (Khidmah), Keeping Promise and No Cheating, Being Honest and Trustworthy (Al-Amanah), Customer Satisfaction. [1]
      BI interest rate, inflation, U.S. dollar exchange rate towards rupiah, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), syariah share price of the manufacture sector in ISSI. Suku bunga BI rate, inflasi, kurs dolar Amerika Serikat terhadap rupiah, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), harga saham syariah sektor manufaktur di ISSI. [1]
      BI RATE [3]
      BI Rate, Inflation, BOPO, Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Return on Assets (ROA). BI Rate, Inflasi, BOPO, Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Return On Asset (ROA). [1]
      biaya beralih, citra perusahaan, trust, switching intention, MRA [1]
      Biaya Beralih, Persepsi Harga, Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Nasabah. [1]
      Biaya Operasional/Pendapatan Operasional [1]