dc.contributor.advisor | | |
dc.contributor.author | WIDIYATMOKO, DANANG | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-09-07T07:07:09Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-09-07T07:07:09Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-08-13 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/21119 | |
dc.description | Penelitian ini berisikan tentang kesalehan laki-laki masa kini yang dilihat dari
penampilan, karirnya maupun perlakuan terhadap keluarganya. Tayangan “Berita Islami Masa
Kini” Trans TV yang di teliti ini menggambarkan bagaimana sosok laki-laki saleh masa kini
yang direpresentasikan pada penampilan, karir, dan relasi terhadap lawan jenis maupun
keluarganya dari seorang laki-laki atau pria masa kini. meskipun hanya berurusan di ranah
domestik namun laki-laki saleh masa kini adalah laki-laki yang mampu berpenampilan modern
dan maskulin yang tidak hanya terpaku pada sebuah stereotype klasik bahwa laki-laki saleh
adalah laki-laki yang berpenampilan layaknya ulama.
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode semiotika John Fiske dengan melihat kode
atau makna yang terdapat dalam program tayangan “Berita Islami Masa Kini” di Trans Tv yang
diteliti dengan menitikberatkan dalam tiga level yaitu realitas, representasi dan ideologi yang
selanjutnya akan menghasilkan pandangan umum yang dipercaya oleh masyarakat
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya bentuk representasi kesalehan lakilaki
masa kini yang terlihat dalam program tayangan Berita Islami Masa Kini di Trans Tv pada
bulan desember 2017, 2015 dan 2014, yang mana sosok laki-laki saleh masa kini dalam tayangan
tersebut digambarkan sebagai sosok laki-laki yang modern dilihat dari segi penampilan, karir,
dan relasi terhadap lawan jenis maupun keluarganya. Representasi kesalehan laki-laki masa kini
yang terjadi dalam program tayangan “Berita Islami Masa Kini” sangatlah kuat karena pengaruh
dari penguasa industri media khususnya di Indonesia. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | This research containing about the piety of today's men who is seen from his appearance,
career, as well as the treatment from his family. “Berita Islami Masa Kini” show on Trans TV
―in which the writer has examined― was meticulously described on how the figure of the
today’s piety male which represented on its appearance, career, and relationship towards the
opposite sex as well as the family of a man or men. Although he is only dealing with the
domestic affairs but today’s piety male who are not only fixated on a classic stereotype that men
are godly men who look like the ulama or scholars.
This research is using semiotics method by John Fiske by looking at the code or the
meaning that contained in the programme of “Berita Islami Masa Kini” on Trans TV. The
research is fully examined with focusing in three levels i.e.: reality, representation and ideology
that would produce a common view which is trusted by the community.
The results of this research show that the existence of a form of representation of today’s
piety male who are seen in the program “Berita Islami Masa Kini” show on Trans TV in
December 2014 and 2015, 2017, in which the figure of today’s piety male in the show is
described as the figure of the modern male is seen in terms of appearance, career, and
relationship towards the opposite sex as well as her family. Representation of today’s piety male
who happens on “Berita Islami Masa Kini” show on Trans TV is very strong due to the influence
of the lords of the media industry, especially in Indonesia. | en_US |
dc.publisher | FISIP UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | Semiotics, Representation, Male, Masculine. Semiotika, Representasi, Laki-laki, Maskulin | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
617 | en_US |