Now showing items 146-165 of 1740

      Asthma, ACT, smoking, exercise, β-2 agonist, corticosteroid. Asma, ACT, merokok, olahraga, β-2 agonis, kortikosteroid [1]
      asthma, asthma relapse. Asma, Kekambuhan asma. [1]
      Asthma, Buteyko, Peak Expiration Flow Rate, Peak Flow Meter, Health Promotion. Asma, Buteyko, Arus Puncak Ekspirasi, Peak Flow Meter, Promosi Kesehatan [1]
      Asthma, Combination of Beta 2 Agonist and Corticosteroids, Recurrence of Asthma Asma, Kombinasi Obat Beta 2 Agonis dan Kortikosteroid, Kekambuhan Asma [1]
      ASTIGMA [1]
      asupan makan [1]
      Asupan zat gizi makro, Food recall, Remaja [1]
      Asuransi jaminan kesehatan jembrana,Pelayanan kesehatan, kepuasan [1]
      ATOPI [1]
      atopic dermatitis, exposure to smoking, asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergy. dermatitis atopik, paparan asap rokok, asma, rinitis alergi, alergi makanan. [1]
      Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [1]
      ATTITUDES [1]
      audiovisual health education, hypertension prevention behavior, adolescents. audiovisual pendidikan kesehatan, perilaku pencegahan hipertensi, remaja [1]
      Averrhoa bilimbi L, Shigella dysenteriae, diare, antibakteri, flavonoid. Averrhoa bilimbi L, Shigella dysenteriae, diarrhea, antibacteria, flavonoid [1]
      Avian Influenza, Respon Imun Humoral, Kadar Ig G dan orang yang beresiko kontak dengan unggas [1]
      awareness, diabetes mellitus family history, dietary pattern, physical activity, smoking, healthy lifestyle. kesadaran, riwayat diabetes melitus,pola makan, aktivitas fisik, merokok, perilaku hidup sehat [1]