Now showing items 71-80 of 1606

    The United of States America, Foreign Policy, Immigrant, Donald Trump, Islamophobia, Refugees, Securitization of immigration United of States America. (1)
    The United States, The DPRK, Nuclear Weapon, Korean Peninsula (1)
    The US Foreign Policy, The US interests towards Iraq, international anarchy (1)
    Theocracy, Comparison, Vatican City State, Islamic Republic of Iran. Teokrasi, Perbandingan, Negara Kota Vatikan, Republik Islam Iran (1)
    theory of regime effectiveness, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Afghanistan. efektivitas rezim, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Afghanistan. efektivitas rezim, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Afghanistan (1)
    Theory of regime effectiveness, Operation Mediterranean European Union Naval Force, European Union, Immigrants. (1)
    This research aims to explain the strategies and efforts of an entities, as an object of international relations studies, to become an independent & sovereign state. Kosovo a dispute status over their independence and sovereignty has lead international factors to get involved within this issue. By using any tools of negotiation and agreement, an entity could break up an unilateral legal act of independence when the negotiation process could not be attained by the parties. Therefore, this issue upon Kosovo status over sovereignty as an unique phenomenon in International Relations Studies for an entities to attain independence and sovereign status. The data in this research is secondary data from books, website, and other sources. And the technique of analysis of this research is qualitative analysis techniques. (1)
    THREAT (1)
    Three Legged Stool, Wangari Maathai, Pembangunan, Counter Discourse (1)