dc.contributor.advisor | THOHARUDIN, THOHARUDIN | |
dc.contributor.advisor | NADJIB, MUHAMMAD | |
dc.contributor.author | DWIJAYANTO, RAHMAT | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-10-22T03:29:43Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-10-22T03:29:43Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-08-11 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/22411 | |
dc.description | Metode pirolisis merupakan suatu proses dekomposisi kimia bahan organik dan anorganik menggunakan reaktor dengan pemanasan tanpa kehadiran oksigen. Proses pirolisis menghasilkan produk cair (pyrolytic oil), gas, dan arang. Mengingat di Indonesia, limbah terbesar didominasi oleh cangkang sawit dan plastik. Kedua limbah itu menjadi permasalahan serius pada masyarakat, karena jumlahnya yang besar dan sulit terurai pada lingkungan. Kedua limbah itu memiliki kandungan volatil yang cukup tinggi, maka berpotensi untuk memproduksi pyrolytic oil. Hasil pyrolytic oil diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi alternatif dalam mengatasi krisis energi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persentase bahan baku terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia pada pyrolytic oil.
Penelitian ini menggunakan reaktor fixed-bed dengan pemanasan 500°C yang berasal dari pemanas listrik. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah limbah cangkang sawit dan plastik kresek dengan campuran katalis (CaO dan zeolit alam). Variasi perbandingan cangkang sawit dengan plastik yaitu 100%:0%, 75%:25%, 50%:50%, 25%:75%, dan 0%:100% dengan penambahan katalis (CaO dan zeolit alam) sebesar 75% pada setiap variasi. Hasil pyrolytic oil diuji untuk mengetahui nilai densitas, kadar pH, viskositas, nilai kalor (HHV), dan senyawa kimia.
Pengujian densitas diperoleh bahwa variasi plastik 75% dan 100% (a) memiliki hasil mendekati sifat premium yaitu 760 kg/m3. Variasi plastik 75% pada kadar pH mendekati sifat netral yaitu 7,65. Viskositas tertinggi pada variasi plastik 100% sebesar 33,3 cP, disebabkan oleh wax yang terkandung dalam pyrolytic oil sehingga viskositas meningkat. Kemudian, nilai kalor tertinggi diperoleh pada variasi plastik 100% sebesar 45,3 MJ/kg. Menurut hasil identifikasi senyawa diketahui bahwa penambahan plastik dapat berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan kandungan hidrokarbon, yang didominasi dengan senyawa alkana serta mengurangi kandungan asam dan fenolik. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Pyrolysis method is a chemical decomposition process of organic and inorganic materials using a reactor by heating without the presence of oxygen. The pyrolysis process produces liquid products (pyrolytic-oil), gas and char. Given that in Indonesia, the biggest waste is dominated by palm shells and plastic. Those waste have become a serious problem for the community, because the numbers are large and difficult to decompose in the environment. The wastes have a high volatile content, which has the potential to produce pyrolytic-oil. The results of pyrolytic-oil are expected to be used as an alternative solution to overcome the energy crisis. This study aims to determine the effect of the percentage of raw materials on the physical and chemical properties of pyrolytic-oil.
This study using a fixed-bed reactor with 500°C heating from an electric heater. The raw material used is palm shell waste and plastic bag with a mixture of catalysts (CaO and natural zeolite). Variations in the comparison of palm shell with plastic are 100%:0%, 75%:25%, 50%:50%, 25%:75%, and 0%:100% respectively with the addition of catalysts (CaO and natural zeolite) by 75% in every variation. The results of pyrolytic-oil were tested to determine the value of density, pH, viscosity, heating value (HHV) and chemical compounds.
Testing density obtained that the variation of plastic 75% and 100% (a) has a result of approaching the premium properties of 770 kg/m3. Variation of plastic 75% on pH level has neutral proximity is 7,65. The highest viscosity in variation of plastic 100% is 33,3 cP, is caused by wax contained in pyrolytic-oil that the viscosity increases. Then, the highest heating value (HHV) was obtained in variation of plastic 100% is 45.33 MJ/kg. According to the results of the identification of compounds known that the addition of plastic can contribute to increase the hydrocarbon content, which is dominated by alkane compounds and reduce the content of acid and phenolic. | en_US |
dc.subject | Pyrolysis, fixed-bed, palm shell, plastic, pyrolytic oil. | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
486 | en_US |