dc.contributor.advisor | THORARUDIN, THORARUDIN | |
dc.contributor.advisor | NADJIB, MUHAMMAD | |
dc.contributor.author | AYATULLAH, MAULANA WAHYU | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-10-23T06:47:06Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-10-23T06:47:06Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-08-11 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/22508 | |
dc.description | Pemanfaatan kelapa sawit hampir semua bagianya dapat digunakan, berbeda dengan cangkang kelapa sawit yang sering menjadi limbah pabrik. Limbah plastik menjadi masalah sampai saat ini masih menjadi limbah yang belum terselesaikan. Terbatasnya teknologi dan perkembangan pemberdayaan limbah cangkang kelapa sawit dan limbah plastik yang kemudian dikonversi menjadi bahan bakar yang ramah lingkungan. Oleh karena itu pemanfaat limbah cangkang kelapa sawit dan plastik dapat menggunakan metode pirolisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karaktristik dan sifat dari Pyrolytic-Oil hasil dari pirolisis limbah cangkang kelapa sawit dan limbah plastik dengan katalis CaO ( Calcium Oxsida ) dan Zeolit.
Produk Pyrolytic Oil dianalisis dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu sifat fisik dan sifat kimia Pyrolytic-Oil. Sifat fisik meliputi nilai densitas, viskositas dan keasaman, sedangkan sifat kimia yaitu nilai kalor dan senyawa penyusun Pyrolytic-Oil. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan variasi temperatur 400℃, 425℃, 450℃, 475℃ dan 500℃ dimana reaktor yang digunakan bertipe Fixed bed. Komposisi bahan baku yaitu cangkang kelapa sawit 300 gram, plastik 300 gram dan katalis CaO 225 gram ,Zeolit Alam 225 gram.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin tinggi temperatur maka produktivitas Pyrolytic-Oil akan semakin tinggi dan menurunnya massa arang dan gas. Nilai densitas terendah pada Temperatur 425℃ yaitu sebesar 756,67 Kg/m3, viskositas rendah pada temperatur 475℃ yaitu 1,2 cP dan keasaman tertinggi pada Temperatur 425℃ sebesar 8,50 pH. Pada sifat kimia nilai kalor tertinggi pada Temperatur 500℃ yaitu 44,506 MJ/Kg dan kandungan hidrokabron tertinggi pada temperatur 425℃ yaitu 87,98% sementara kandungan oksigenat tertinggi pada temperatur 400℃ sebesar 33,34%. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | The utilization of oil palm is almost all of its parts can be used. In contrast, palm shells often become factory waste. Plastic waste becomes a problem which is until now it is still an unfinished waste. The limited technology and development of empowerment of oil palm shell and Plastic waste are then converted into environmentally and friendly fuel. Therefore, the utilization of oil palm and Plastik shell waste can use pyrolysis method. The objective of this research is to find out the characteristics and properties of Pyrolytic-Oil which is the result of pyrolysis waste of oil palm shell and Plastic waste with CaO (Calcium Oxsida) and Zeolite catalyst.
The product pyrolytic oil is analyzed and divided into 2, namely physical and chemical properties of Pyrolytic-Oil. Physical properties include the value of density, viscosity, and acidity, while the chemical properties include the heat value and compound of Pyrolytic-Oil compounds. This research is conducted with the temperature variations of 400 ℃, 425 ℃, 450 ℃, 475 ℃ and 500 ℃ which the reactor used is Fixed bed type. The compositions of raw material are 300 grams of oil palm shells, 300 grams of Plastic and 225 grams of CaO catalyst, Natural Zeolite 225 grams.
The results of this research show that the higher the temperature the higher the productivity of Pyrolytic-Oil is and the decrease of charcoal and gas mass is. The lowest density value in the Temperature of 425 ℃ is 756,67 Kg / m3, low viscosity of temperature of 475 ℃ is 1.2 cP and highest acidity at Temperature of 425 ℃ equals to 8,50 pH. On the chemical properties, the highest heating value at 500 ℃ Temperature is 44,506 MJ / Kg and the highest hydrochronron content at temperature of 425 ℃ is 87,98% while the highest oxygenate content at temperature of 400 ℃ equals to 33,34%. | en_US |
dc.subject | Pyrolysis, Palm Oil Shell, Plastic, CaO, Natural Zeolite, Physical Properties, Chemical Properties, Fixed Beds, Temperature | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
488 | en_US |