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dc.contributor.authorSUSANAWATI, SUSANAWATI
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The drink nata de aloe package was one ofthe drinks ofthe whim ofthe crocodile tongue that was marketed in the Pontianak City. In order to helps the development ofthis drink n.rarket to need the research to krow the appearance ofthe consumer and the product, the consumer's motivation as well as the dominant motivation that were considered in buying the drink nata de aloe the package. The number ofconsumers who was used by as many as 50 people who were taken with accidental quota sampling. The analysis of the data that was used was descriptive and the analysis of the factor. Results of the research showed that the consumer ofthe drink nata de aloe the package of most men, was below 40 years old, and has married, as well as had the family's member more than four people. The level ofthe consumer's education was the Senior High School and university, worked as PNS/TNI with the income more than two million rupiah. The drink nata de aloe the package have the trade mark with the quite complete label, but his producer was still limited, was packed with transparent plastic (cup and normal plastic) measured 100 gr and 200 gr for the package cup and 1250 gr for the package of plastic that consisted offive packages, as well as the package ofthe cardboard box that contained 24 cup and four packages ofnormal plastic. The quite varying price depended the measurement ofthe package and the shop that sold. The attribute that motivated the consumer to carry out the purchase was the benefit, the security, and the practicability. The dominant motivation that was considered by the consumer of the drink nata de aloe the package was the package, the cleanliness, and the security that was named as the factor tampilan the product. Key words: dominant motivalion, nata de aloe package. PENDAHULUAN Tanaman lidah buaya (Aloe vera) merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan atau komoditas andalan di Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. Tanaman ini (1) memiliki prospek pasar yang cukup bagus antara lain untuk industri minuman, kosmetik, sebagai obat untuk berbagai penyakit kulit, penyakit dalam, dan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan seksual; (2) adaptif (tumbuh subur) pada lahan gambut di Kalimantan Barat (Kota Pontianak dan Kabupaten Pontianak); (3) dibandingkan dengan lidah buaya di daerah lain, lidah buaya yang ditanam di Kalimantan Barat temyata lebih besar (lebih lebar dan lebih tebal daunnya) sehingga produksinya lebih tinggi ( Selain itu menurut seorang peneliti dan dosen dari FMIPA Universitas Indonesia mengatakan bahwa dalam daging lidah buaya terdapat 200 kandungan zat yang berbeda dan sangat berguna bagi manusia ( Pelepah lidahen_US
dc.publisherLP2KM -UNSOEDen_US
dc.subjectDominan Motivationen_US
dc.subjectNata De Aloe Packageen_US

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