dc.contributor.advisor | ROSILAWATI, YENI | |
dc.contributor.author | LARASATI, CLAUDIA DEWI | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-12-19T02:54:35Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-12-19T02:54:35Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-12-05 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/23418 | |
dc.description | Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti membahas strategi komunikasi pemasaran
dalam menarik minat konsumen millenial melalui venue sevensky di Lippo Mall
Jogja tahun 2017-2018. Venue sevensky adalah fasilitas yang disediakan oleh
Lippo Mall Yogyakarta sebagai tempat destinasi kuliner baru, tempat makan baru
dan tempat wisata baru dengan suasana yang baru. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui
bagaimana tahapan-tahapan strategi komunikasi pemasaran dalam menarik minat
konsumen millennial melalui venue sevensky dan untuk mengetahui faktor
penghambat dan faktor pendukung dalam melakukan strategi komunikasi
pemasaran dalam menarik minat konsumen millenial melalui venue sevensky.
Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data diambil dari data
primer yang diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dengan Marketing
Communication dan Advertising & Promotion Supervisor Lippo Mall Jogja serta
6 orang pengunjung venue sevensky. Data sekunder yang diperoleh dari internet
dan dokumen. Uji validitas data menggunakan triangulasi yang membandingkan
dan mengecek balik keakuratan suatu informasi yang diperoleh melalui waktu
dan alat yang berbeda dalam kualitatif. Media yang digunakan adalah media
offline dengan radio,baliho serta poster didalam ruang dan online dengan
instagram. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strategi komunikasi pemasaran
melalui instagram dapat meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung. Dalam instagram
venue sevensky memuat beraneka ragam spot foto, beraneka ragam kuliner,
berbagai acara, dapat menyampaikan kritik saran serta instagram venue sevensky
juga memberikan cara-cara agar dapat menikmati venue sevensky dengan nyaman.
Hal tersebut dapat menarik minat pengunjung venue sevensky khususnya generasi
millenial untuk berkunjung ke venue sevensky. Namun perlu diperhatikan pada
media offline untuk dimaksimalkan agar lebih banyak generasi millenial yang
mengetahui tentang venue sevensky serta berkunjung ke venue sevenky dan
semakin banyak komunitas yang bergabung dengan venue sevensky | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | In this research, the researcher discussed the marketing communication
strategy in attracting the interest of millennial consumers through Sevensky
venue in Lippo Mall Jogja in 2017- 2018. Sevensky venue is the facility provided
by Lippo Mall Yogyakarta as a new culinary destination, eating place, and
tourism object with new atmosphere. The research aimed to find out the how the
stages of the marketing communication strategy attracted the interest of
millennial consumers through Sevensky venue and to discover the obstructing
and supporting factors in implementing the marketing communication strategy in
attracting the interest of millennial consumers through Sevensky venue. The
method of the research was descriptive qualitative. The source of the data was
taken from primary data obtained from in-depth interview with Marketing
Communication and Advertising and Promotion supervisor of Lippo Mall Jogja,
and 6 (six) visitors of Sevensky venue. The secondary data were obtained from
the internet and documents. The data validity test used triangulation that
compared and rechecked the accuracy of information obtained through different
and time and equipment in qualitative research. The media used were offline
media with radio, billboard and indoor poster and online media with Instagram.
The result of the research showed that the marketing communication strategy
through Instagram could increase the number of the visitors. Instagram account of
Sevensky venue contained various picture spots, food, and events, in which
people could post criticism and suggestion. Besides, the account informed about
how the people could enjoy Sevensky venue comfortably. It could attract the
customers’ interest Sevensky venue especially millennial generation to visit.
However, it should be thought that offline media were supposed to be maximized
so that there would be more millennial generation who knew about Sevensky
venue and visited it, and more community that joined Sevensky venue. | en_US |
dc.subject | Marketing Communication Strategy, Instagram, Sevensky Venue, Millenial Generation | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
692 | en_US |