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dc.contributor.authorBRAHMANA, IVANNA BERU
dc.contributor.authorINAYATI, INAYATI
dc.description.abstractBackground Pregnant women need changes for the intrauterine fetus survive and appropriate with gestational age. It affect susceptibility and facilitate infection due to immunologic changes resulting in genital infection. Condyloma accuminata is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Human Papiloma Virus or Chlamydia trachomatis, while in pregnant women more common and severe then in non-pregnant women. Objective Reported 20 weeks gestation primigravida patient with clinical manifestations massive Condyloma accuminata due to Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Methode Twenty weeks primigravida with a massive Condyloma accuminata be followed clinical manifestation, vaginal swab and Chlamydia immunoserology test during pregnancy. . Treatment by cautery and observation of clinical manifestations until delivered. Result Inspekulo : cauliflower mass at vagina to cervix, intact cervix, closed osteum uteri externum , a lot of fluor albus and livid appearance. Microscopis no bacterial vaginosis and Trichomonas vaginalis, yeast cells (+). IgM & IgG Anti-Chlamydia are negative, while her husband IgG is positive. Cauterization showed lesion healing and no growth new tissue but not all condyloma tissue can be cleaned, because it is extensive massive. Its site close to the cervix make it bleeding easily. Evaluation 1 month after delivery. Termination at 37 weeks aterm pregnancy and estimated weight is > 2500 grams by sectio caesaria. Discussion Condyloma accuminata appear during pregnancy due to changes in immunity and increased blood supply. T Lymphocytes number of peripheral blood samples of pregnant woman is reduced. Maximum reduction of CD4 + T lymphocytes occurs in the third trimester, but this patient infection occurred at first trimester. Lymphocytes proliferation was lower during pregnancy than post-partum and lower in pregnant woman than non-pregnant woman significantly. Conclusion Twenty weeks primigravida with Massive Condyloma accuminata have been cauterization showed clinical results cured , pregnancy termination with sectio caesaria.en_US
dc.subjectPrimigravida, Condyloma accuminata.en_US

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