dc.contributor.advisor | JAMAL, AGUS | |
dc.contributor.advisor | SYAHPUTRA, RAMADONI | |
dc.contributor.author | SAPUTRO, YUSUP ADI | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-03-22T03:00:49Z | |
dc.date.available | 2019-03-22T03:00:49Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2019-03-16 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/25814 | |
dc.description | Sistem tenaga listrik yang digunakan di Indonesia secara keseluruhan adalah sistem tegangan tiga fasa dengan arus bolak-balik. Energi listrik tiga fasa ini dibangkitkan oleh generator tiga fasa yang disalurkan melalui saluran transmisi tiga fasa. Pada proses penyaluan energi listrik dari pusat pembangkit ke konsumen pasti mengalami drop tegangan. Sistem tegangan listrik tiga fasa pembebanan fasa R, fasa S, dan fasa T harus seimbang, apabila tidak seimbang maka akan timbul arus pada penghantar netral. Penggunaan beban nonlinier menyebabkan terdistorsinya gelombang sinusoida sehingga meyebabkan harmonik. Akibat ketidakseimbangan beban dan harmonik menyebabkan ketidak efisiensi penggunaan energi listrik.
Penelitian ini dilakukkan untuk mengetahui kualitas daya listrik pada PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Pengukuran dilakukan pada panel LVMDP (Hari libur, LVMDP (Hari kerja), panel blok barat, dan panel blok timur. Pengukuran tiap panel selama 24 jam dan interval 30 menit. Pengukuran meliputi Frekuensi [Hz], tegangan [volt], total Harmonic distortion (THD) tegangan [%], arus [ampere], Total Harmonic distortion (THD) arus [%], daya aktif [kW], daya reaktif [kVAR], daya semu [kVA], faktor daya, unbalance voltage [%], dan unbalance arus [%]. Hasil pengukuran kualitas daya listrik diketahui bahwa terjadi maslah pada nilai total Harmonic distortion (THD) arus [%] sudah melewati batas Standar IEEE 519-1992, dan unbalance arus yang sudah melewti Standar ANSI C84,1-1995. Harmonik arus dan unbalance menyebabkan ketidak efisiensi penggunakan energi listrik sehingga harus membayar kerugian sebesar Rp. 3.148.027 | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | The electric power system used in Indonesia as a whole is a three phase voltage system with alternating current. This three-phase electrical energy is generated by a three-phase generator that is sent through a three phase transmission line. In the process of sending electrical energy from the power plant to the consumer, the voltage must be reduced first. The three phase electrical voltage system of phase R, phase S, and phase T must be balanced, if it is not balanced then a neutral conductive current will emerge. The use of nonlinear loads causes the distortion of sinusoidal waves to cause harmonics. As a result of load and harmonic imbalances that cause inefficient use of electrical energy.
This research was conducted to determine the quality of electric power in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Measurements were made on the LVMDP panel, west block panel, and east block panel. Measurement of each panel for 24 hours with 30 minute intervals. Measurements include Frequency [Hz], voltage [volt], total Harmonic distortion (THD) voltage [%], current [ampere], Total Harmonic distortion (THD) current [%], active power [kW], reactive power [kVAR] , false power [kVA], power factor, unbalance voltage [%], and current unbalance [%]. The results of measurements of electric power quality are known that there is a problem with the total value of Harmonic Distortion (THD) current [%] has exceeded the IEEE Standard 519-1992, and unbalance of currents that have passed ANSI Standard C84,1-1995. Harmonic currents and unbalance cause an inefficient use of electrical energy so that they have to pay a loss of Rp. 3,148,027. | en_US |
dc.subject | quality of electric power, Harmonic, Unbalance | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
422 | en_US |