dc.description.abstract | Tl-ris pirpcr.lrscrrsscs thc c,n-going proccss of rc-lslamisation inJava. In the.ur-rt"it
of rc-islamisation process, a Mtrslim is expecteci to be zr pious one, both from
thc zrspect of belief, knowlcdge, and practice. The process is characterized by the
inter-rsification of Isli-rmic rittr:rl practice anr-l the enforcement of Islamic norms
in vrriotrs ilspcrrts of lifc. Arl.litionally, it is accompanierl by the cletericlration
of anirnisrrl-irs rcprescntc.l by amtrlets, heirloorns ancl shamanism-which are
popular among abangan communities. Amrllet is a p,eculial feature in the behef
ancl lifc syste m of Javirnesc -socicty, namely the belicf in the magical objects used
by the ()wner to gain p()\,er, convenience , anc{ magnificence. In Surakarta, the
l.hcnt,,-r-r.,norr t,f thc dcclinc of 'magical' amulets is perceived as the conversion
l)r'()trcss frorrr rrlrrrrrgrrn tosantri. Yct it is a clissirnilar kirrd of convcrsion compared
to tl're prcviotrs oncs.lt r:eirffirms that in Java, Islarnisation is an unending process
nurltttctl lrr, 11',* volatiliW of socio-politi,-:,rl and cr.rltural .lynirn'rics. | en_US |