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dc.contributor.authorSUKAMTA, SUKAMTA
dc.description.abstractTliere l.ras been sorne success story in the fonnulating nrodels for different flor,v regiurcs. and a number of coresponding flow tttaps for h<lrizontal has been developecl. Furthennore. r'rlost of tlie nraps \,vere generatecl based on visual observations and are, therefore, sr-rbjective in nature. Meanwhile, slugging plrenomenorr that can be det'inccl ls initiation of a water hammer is a very interesting topic because it has a strategic inrpact on sal'ety l'actor of the ecluiprncrit irr piping systerns i.e. pressurized water reactor (PWR), heat exchanger, steam or gas transportation in chemical indr:stry, air conditioning, etc. The objective of the present research was to investigate the sluggirlg as an initiating water hamnrer phenonrena througlr non directly contact steam condensing in a horizontal pipe to develop the flow pattem map of steam-condensate flow in a horizontal double pipe.The experirtrental apparatus used in the present experimental study consisted of an inner annulus pipe rnade of copper (dur: 17 .2 mm, do : l9 mm) rvith a length of 1.8 rn. The outer pipe annulus was a galvanized ilon pipe (di,, : 108.3 mm, do : 114. 3 mm) with a length of 1.6 m. The liquid being tested was water. The experiments were c:onclLrcted at a static pressure of P.: 108.825 kPa dan the temperature of T: I19.7 'C. The presstre drop in axial ciirection of'the test was directly measured by using a difterential pressLlrc tranducer (r,alidyne, accuracy of L0.25%) rvith a sampling ratc of 1.353 kHz. The obtained experirnental data of temperature and differential pressul'e flr.rctr"rations during the steam condensation in a horizontal pipe r.vas analyzed using a statistical analysis.It was found that: l) the flor.v pattem rnap of non slurgging (stratified and wavy flow), transition (wavy-slug flow), and slugging (slug and large-slug), were determined, here the transition t'lorv pattem of slug and large-slug is clefine<l as a initiating of water hamrner, 2) transition area range of wavy-slug flor,v pattem are from tr.u:1x 10'l kg/s to rh.u: 6xl0-l kg/s for ri1.,:6x10-3 kg/s to rir",:7.5x10-3 kg/s, ancl d1.,< 3xl0-r l<g/s lor rir",:8x10-3 kg/s to rir",:9x10-3 kg/s. These obtained data are very irnportant in order to develop a database for input in a safc carly u,arning system clesign of two-phase 11ow piping iustallatron systetl dtu'ing the stcaur conclcnsatiotr.en_US
dc.publisherFaculty Engineering Universitas Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectflow paltern mapen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US

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