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dc.contributor.authorTAKDIR, ALI MUKTI
dc.identifier.citationMukti, T.A. (2018), Kontinuitas Gerakan Politik Aceh Pasca Perdamaian 2005, AIHIIen_US
dc.descriptionThis article focuses on Aceh political movement after Helsinki Agreement 2005. There are differences in character between the Aceh movement before and after the peace agreement, ie, before the peace agreement, the political movement is politically-armed and outside the government. After peace agreement, Aceh movement is in legal-formal efforts and resides within the body of the Aceh government. There is a fact that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, according to INGO, GAM activists, and local parties in Aceh, has committed many violations of the 2005 Helsinki peace agreement, while GAM has fulfilled all the agreed obligations in the peace. Violations perpetrated by the central government undoubtedly resulted in disappointment and political distrust for the Aceh government, especially GAM activists, on the other hand, the Aceh government dominated by former GAM fighters trying to maintain the enactment of a peace agreement in Aceh in accordance with the Helsinki Agreement. From this fact, this article raises two main questions: first, why is the Aceh government dominated by GAM activists retaining the Helsinki MOU when the Government of Indonesia has committed many violations? Secondly, how did GAM activists make political struggles after entering and controlling the Aceh government for the Helsinki MOU deal to continue in force? This research is a qualitative research that empirically explores the facts related to both issues. The research finds that GAM exponents are trying to defend the Helsinki MOU because they believe it is a path that can lead Aceh to reach the Self Government with its main components namely local parties, guardian Nanggroe institutions (Lembaga Wali Nanggroe) and special allocation funds from the center. To achieve this goal, the Aceh government made their political struggle by producing local regulation in accordance with the agreement in the Helsinki MoU, even though it was not approved by the Indonesian government.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis article focuses on Aceh political movement after Helsinki Agreement 2005. There are differences in character between the Aceh movement before and after the peace agreement, ie, before the peace agreement, the political movement is politically-armed and outside the government. After peace agreement, Aceh movement is in legal-formal efforts and resides within the body of the Aceh government. There is a fact that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, according to INGO, GAM activists, and local parties in Aceh, has committed many violations of the 2005 Helsinki peace agreement, while GAM has fulfilled all the agreed obligations in the peace. Violations perpetrated by the central government undoubtedly resulted in disappointment and political distrust for the Aceh government, especially GAM activists, on the other hand, the Aceh government dominated by former GAM fighters trying to maintain the enactment of a peace agreement in Aceh in accordance with the Helsinki Agreement. From this fact, this article raises two main questions: first, why is the Aceh government dominated by GAM activists retaining the Helsinki MOU when the Government of Indonesia has committed many violations? Secondly, how did GAM activists make political struggles after entering and controlling the Aceh government for the Helsinki MOU deal to continue in force? This research is a qualitative research that empirically explores the facts related to both issues. The research finds that GAM exponents are trying to defend the Helsinki MOU because they believe it is a path that can lead Aceh to reach the Self Government with its main components namely local parties, guardian Nanggroe institutions (Lembaga Wali Nanggroe) and special allocation funds from the center. To achieve this goal, the Aceh government made their political struggle by producing local regulation in accordance with the agreement in the Helsinki MoU, even though it was not approved by the Indonesian government.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakartaen_US
dc.publisherAsosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectKontinuitas Gerakan Ideologien_US

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