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dc.contributor.authorRAHMAWATI, NUR
dc.description.abstractExistence the limitation of resources likes farm land, capital and manpower work had the problem in the farming activities. lts have been done in the dry farming activities ih GunUhQkidil DiStlict. Therefore, farmers need the good plahhihg of farming patteri with combination of availability resources. The objectives of this research is to describe of the farming pattern practices in Gunungkidul district and to know the optimal inputs which are available to farming activity to be obtaining the maximum profit. The ethod used in this research is descriptive analysis with the technique analyze is Linear programming, This researeh conducted in Ngeposari Village, Semanu Sub-distriet; Gunungkidul. The observation from farming practices show that in the rainy season farmers planting sorne crops such as paddy (23o/o), soybean (73'/.) and intercrop between paddy and soybean (4o/o). ln the dry season l, farmers usually planting of soybean (69o/o), peanut (27"/.) and intercrop corn and soybean 4o/o). While in the dry season ll, 54Yo farmer planting corn, soybean 42o/o and intercrop between corn and soybean 4"/o. The organic fertilizer used in the farming practices that supply from one cow and one goat. Chemical pesticide and fertilizer still used in this farming system. The existing limitation sources in this researeh are farm land of 0,17 ha and family labor is 240 man day every season. The optimal solutions relative to practices were able to increase the total net revenue on the study area. The requirement of labor, straw, and orQahic fenilizef has influenced the optimal solution and has chahged over the season'i period. ln the rainy season paddy is the main food, and in the dry season is soybean. For the dry season ll, LP has chosen intercrop between corn and soybean. The optimal solution in the study area has given the maximum profit of Rp 4.648.745, 836,-. for one year. That maximum profit involves the total net revenue from crops activities and livestoek aetivities, The results of the eomparison eoneluded that the farming practiees by farmers in the study area are not optimum yet.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakartaen_US
dc.subjectLimitation of resourcesen_US
dc.subjectdry farmingen_US
dc.subjectoptimization of resourcesen_US

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