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dc.contributor.advisorHANDAYANI, ETTY
dc.contributor.advisorISNAWAN, BAMBANG HERI
dc.contributor.authorSAKINAH, NURUL
dc.descriptionTanaman kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol) merupakan flora asli Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yang saat ini telah sulit ditemukan dan langka. Jika tidak dilakukan konservasi maka akan punah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik morfologi buah kepel dan mengetahui kekerabatan tanaman kepel di Kabupaten Sleman. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling, dengan kriteria tanaman sudah pernah atau sedang berbuah dan tumbuh sehat. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi posisi buah, simetri buah, panjang buah, bentuk buah, lebar buah, diameter buah, berat buah, tebal buah, tipe kulit buah, warna kulit buah, ketebalan daging buah, tingkat kematangan buah, berat biji, jumlah biji per buah, panjang biji, lebar biji, tebal biji, diameter biji, warna daging buah, tekstur daging buah, dan rasa daging buah. Dalam 19 tanaman kepel, dibuat distribusi peta persebaran, mengidentifikasi karakter morfologi dan menganalisis menggunakan program Numerical Taxonomic and Multivariate System (NTSYS) versi 2.02i. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat keragaman morfologi tanaman kepel di Kabupaten Sleman yaitu pada pada variabel bentuk buah, panjang buah, lebar buah, tebal buah, diameter buah, berat buah, tingkat kematangan buah, tebal daging buah, warna daging buah, rasa daging buah, tekstur daging buah, jumlah biji, berat biji, panjang biji, lebar biji, tebal biji, dan diameter biji buah kepel. Hasil analisis dengan program analisis kekerabatan menunjukkan terdapat enam klaster utama dengan koefisien kemiripan 0,425. Pada klaster 1 (5 aksesi), klaster 2 (4 aksesi), klaster 3 (1 aksesi), klaster 4 (5 aksesi), klaster 5 (1 aksesi), klaster 6 (3 aksesi).en_US
dc.description.abstractKepel (Stelechocarpus burahol) is a distinctive flora of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is currently difficult to find and scarce. Which means that conservation should be carried out, otherwise it will become extinct. The purpose of this study was to determine the morphological characteristics and to know the kepel plant kinship in Sleman Regency. The study was conducted by survey method. The selection of sample trees is done by purposive sampling, with the criteria that the plants have ever borne fruit or they are bearing fruit and grow healthy. Observations which were carried out included position, symmetry, length, shape, width, diameter, weight, thickness, skin type, skin color, maturity level of fruit, weight, length, width, thickness, diameter, number of seeds, color, thickness, texture, and taste of fruit flesh. In 19 plants, distribution maps were made, identifying morphological characters, and analyzed using the NTSYS (Numerical Taxonomic and Multivariate System) programme. The results showed that there was a diversity of Kepel morphology in Sleman, namely shape, length, width, thickness, diameter, weight, maturity level of fruit, thickness, color, taste, texture of fruit flesh, number of seeds, weight, length, width, thickness, and diameter of seeds. The results of the analysis with the kinship analysis program showed that there were six main clusters with a similarity coefficient of 0.425. Which is cluster 1 (5 plants), cluster 2 (4 plants), cluster 3 (1 plant), cluster 4 (5 plants), cluster 5 (1 plant) ), and cluster 6 (3 plants).en_US
dc.subjectBurahol, Morphological characteristics, Clusteren_US
dc.titleKARAKTERISTIK MORFOLOGI BUAH KEPEL (Stelechocarpus burahol Hook, F dan Thomson) DI KABUPATEN SLEMANen_US
dc.typeThesis SKR FP 466en_US

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