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dc.contributor.authorGenesiska, Genesiska
dc.contributor.authorAisyah, Nurul
dc.contributor.authorDiwanti, Dyah Pikanthi
dc.identifier.issn2654-8348 (online version)
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this society empowerment was to optimize the capacity of the "LESTARI" Women Farmers Group (KWT) in the context of planting vegetables in the yard of Puluhan Lor Hamlet, Trimurti Village, Srandakan, Bantul Regency, D.I. Yogyakarta. There is around 72 m² of land that has been optimized for 3 months with those supported by KWT Lestari and friends of 102 KKN students in 2019. Looking at the financial condition of KWT which is less stable, it is hoped that after the land optimization activities, the KWT will be stable and KWT activities will progress. Land optimization is done by cleaning, planting, maintenance, watering and fertilizing done together with members of the Sustainable KWT consisting of 7 (seven) villages. Various activities that have been approved: a) Cleaning and preparation of land by residents, KKN and KWT; b) Counseling related to plants and their maintenance and planting by BPP PPL Srandakan which is attended by all members of the Lestari KWT, the Village Head, all KKN and KKN DPL students; c) Buy seeds & their purchases at BPP PPL, which are only several times controlled from the BPP; d) Independent planting by KWT facilitated by KKN students; e) Plant maintenance is done by making beds fenced with coconut and some helping with bamboo for plants that are starting to grow; f) Fertilization and watering; h) take soil from weeds around plants & spray plants from pests; and i) Harvest. This service activity in the agricultural sector is considered quite successful because the goal has been obtained and KWT has been able to harvest and carry out planting/optimizing the land to continue running until now independently, so that empowerment has succeeded.en_US
dc.publisherJurnal Bakti Saintek: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologien_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvol 4;1
dc.subjectKelompok Wanita Tani; lahan pekarangan; optimalisasi; sayuranen_US
dc.titleOptimalisasi Kapasitas Kelompok Wanita Tani dalam Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran di Lahan Pekarangan Dusun Puluhan Lor, D.I. Yogyakartaen_US

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