Now showing items 162-181 of 28286

      : beton, semen, kuat tekan, faktor pengali, fas [1]
      : cucumber, pruning, paklobutrazol [1]
      : Desktop Applications , Testing Black Box , Savings and Loans , SDLC . Aplikasi Desktop, Pengujian Black Box, Simpan Pinjam, SDLC. [1]
      : e-NOS, DMBA. :e-NOS, DMBA [1]
      : Effectivities, Comparation,Production, Incomes, Profit, Organic Rice Farming, Conventional Rice Farming. Efektivitas, Komparatif, Produksi, Penerimaan, keuntungan, Usahatani Padi Organik, Usahatani Padi Konvensional [1]
      : Elderly, Positive Thinking, Memory [1]
      : Error Correction Model, Foreign Exchange Reserve,Net Export,Foreign Debt,Exchange Rate [1]
      : etiologi kriminal, tindak pidana narkotika, penanggulangan tindak pidana [1]
      : Evaluasi Anggaran, Umpan Balik Anggaran, Kesulitan Tujuan Anggaran, dan Kinerja Aparat Pemerintah Daerah. [1]
      : financial performance, good corporate governance corporate social responsibility (CSR), and firm value. Kinerja Keuangan, GCG, CSR dan Nilai Perusahaan [1]
      : financial performance, return on asset (ROA), corporate social responsibility (CSR), dividend policy, and firm value [1]
      : firm size, growth opportunity, debt on assets ratio, nilai perusahaan [1]
      : Fungsi Pengawasan DPRD, Peraturan Daerah Kota Yogyakarta Nomor 7 Tahun 2011 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik [1]
      : Gardu Induk, Transformator, Regresi Linier Ganda. Substation, Transformer, Multiple Linear Regression [1]
      : Gaya Komunikasi Penyiar Berita NET.TV dan TVRI Yogyakarta [1]
      : Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB), Electricity Infrastructure, Government Expenditure on Education Development Index, and Human Development Index (IPM). [1]
      : Hajj, Haji, Kuota Haji, Diplomasi. [1]
      : hand hygiene, germ : hand hygiene, germ : hand hygiene, germ : hand hygiene, germ : hand hygiene, germ : hand hygiene, germ : hand hygiene, germ : hand hygiene, germ contamination, contamination,contamination, contamination,contamination, contamination,contamination,contamination, smartphone, healt smartphone, healt smartphone, healtsmartphone, healt smartphone, healt smartphone, health worker.worker. worker. worker.worker. [1]
      : HEART [1]
      : Implementasi, pengembangan desa budaya [1]