Now showing items 28256-28275 of 28286

      المناظرة العربية، مهارة الكلام [1]
      النتائج التعلم [1]
      تجز بَة، وس هُة انصىر، حفظ الدفزدات. [1]
      دراسة مقارنة, نتائج التعليم, تعليم اللغة العربية, فعالية الطريقة الانتقائية. [1]
      طريقة [1]
      طريقة المعلم، تعليم اللغة العربية، كتاب العربية للناشئين المجلد الثاني، طلاب المستوى الأول [1]
      طريقة محادثة، مهارة الكلام، اللغة العربية Metode Muhadatsah, Keterampilan Berbicara, Bahasa Arab [1]
      وحدة أنشطة الطلبة "المجدّد ", اللغة العربيّة, مهارة الكلام, فعاليّة, مدرسة الدينية [1]
      ‘AISYIYAH [1]
      ‘Aisyiyah [1]
      ‘Susu’ sea cucumber, ‘Gosok’ sea cucumber, ‘Gamat’ sea cucumber, packaged milk, nutritions, bone’s health, recommended dietary allowance. [1]
      “Anak Jalanan” soap opera, Magrib prayer congregration. Sinetron Anak Jalanan, Shalat Maghrib Berjamaah [1]
      “arisan” grain, motivation, benefits and management system. arisan gabah, motivasi, pemanfaatan, dan sistem pengelolaan [1]
      “Rasulan”, Perception and Public Response, Islamic Education. This study aims to determine: (1) What and how the “rasulan” tradition in Wonosari village; (2) how is the perception of society to “rasulan” cultural tradition in Wonosari village Gunungkidul regency; (3) how the response of Wonosari villagers to “rasulan” tradistion seen from the perspective of Islamic education seen from various community gruops; (4) what is the chance of “rasulan” tradition as development media of Islamic education. This research is a type of qualitative research. This research used descriptive approach because it aims to describe the variables related to the problems that will be studied. The subject of this research is the community of Wonosari village Gunungkidul regency. Technique of data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation. The technique of data validity used data triangulation technique. Data analysis was done by using deductive method and inductive method. This study shows that: (1) “Rasulan” tradistion is a form of gratitude of Wonosari community for sustanance that has been given by Allah swt for one year; (2) the community perceives that the “rasulan” is a hereditary heritage from the ancestors which has to be preserved for its sustainability; (3) most people respond positively to the implementation of “rasulan” tradition; (4) the opportunity for the development of Islamic education in this tradition is quite high, indicated by the many series of activities carried out on the values of Islamic education. [1]
      みんなの日本語 [1]
      中級会話 [1]
      中級文型 [1]
      動機付け [1]
      動詞 [1]