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dc.contributor.advisorSURYANI, LILIS
dc.contributor.authorZULVA, LINA MARDIANA
dc.descriptionKlebsiella pneumoniae menyerang jaringan paru-paru (alveoli) yang menyebabkan edema paru, demam, batuk, serta dahak berdarah. Daun Piper betle Linn sebagai antimikroba memiliki keuntungan dalam menurunkan resiko efek samping dan ketergantungan terhadap obat sintetik. Kandungan sterol pada daun sirih menunjukkan aktivitas bakterisidal terhadap beberapa bakteri patogen Enterocococcus faecalis, C.koseri, C.fruendi dan Klebsiella pnemoniae. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak daun sirih terhadap peningkatan jumlah leukosit dan persentase limfosit pada mencit Balb/C yang diinfeksi Klebsiella pneumoniae. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratorium dengan rancangan post test-only control group design. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta pada bulan Maret-Juni 2015.Subjek penelitian ini adalah mencit Balb/C sebanyak 30 ekor, yang terbagi menjadi 6 kelompok (n=5), kelompok C1: tidak diinfeksi, C2: diinfeksi Klebsiella pneumoniae tanpa diberi perlakuan, kelompok E1: diberi ekstrak daun sirih 100 mg/kgBB, E2: 200 mg/kgBB,E3: 400 mg/kgBB, E4: diberi eritromisin 3,25 mg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata jumlah leukosit tertinggi sebesar 59,8000 pada mencit yang tidak diinfeksidan terendah sebesar 26,4000 pada mencit yang diberi ekstrak 400 mg/kgBB. Sedangkan rata-rata persentase limfosit tertinggi sebesar 77,4600 pada mencit yang tidak diinfeksidan terendah sebesar 28,9800 pada mencit yang diberi eritromisin 3,25 mg. Hasil analisa statistik terhadap peningkatan jumlah leukosit dan jumlah limfosit didapatkan p>0.05. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun Piper betle Linn tidak berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan jumlah leukosit dan limfosit pada mencit Balb/C yang diinfeksi Klebsiella pneumoniaeen_US
dc.description.abstractKlebsiella pneumoniae attack lung tissue and show lung swelling, fever, cough, thickening mucous, and sputum bloody. Piper betle Linn leaves has potential as antimicroba which has benefit to decrease risk from adverce effect and addictive of synthetic drug. Piper betle Linn contain of sterol which have bactericidal effect against several bacterial pathogens such as Enterocococcus faecalis, C.koseri, C.fruendiand Klebsiella pnemoniae. This study aimed to determined the effect of Piper betle Linn leaves extract toward leukocyte count and lymphocyte percentage in Balb/C mice infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae. This study was laboratory experiment with post test-only control group design. This study was conducted in microbiology laboratory of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta for March-June 2015. The subjects of this study were 30 Balb/C mice which divided into 6 groups (n=5). They were C1: were not infected, C2: infected but did not given treatment, E1: given 100, E2: 200, E3: 400 mg/kgBW of Piper betle Linn leaves extract, and E4: given 3,25 mg of Erythromycin. Result of research the highest average leukocyte count was 59,8000were not infected and the lowest of it was 26,4000were given 400 mg/kgBW of extract. The highest average lymphocyte percentage was 77,4600were not infectedand the lowest of it was 28,9800were given 3,25 mg of Erythromycin. Statistics analysis for leukocyte count and lymphocyte percentage gaveresult p>0.05. This study proven that there was no significant effect of Piper betle Linn leaves extract toward leukocyte and lymphocyte count in Balb/C mice infected with Klebsiella pneumoniaeen_US
dc.publisherFKIK UMYen_US
dc.subjectPiper betle Linn, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Balb/C mice, leukocyte count, lymphocyte count. Piper betle Linn, Klebsiella pneumoniae, mencit Balb/C, jumlah leukosit, jumlah limfositen_US

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