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dc.contributor.advisorPRAKOSO, DENNY ANGGORO
dc.contributor.authorELLENA, NINDY
dc.descriptionAngka insiden dan prevalensi diabetes melitus tipe 2 di berbagai penjuru dunia cenderung mengalami peningkatan. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) memprediksi Indonesia mengalami kenaikan jumlah pasien dari 10 juta penduduk pada tahun 2015 menjadi sekitar 16,2 juta penduduk pada tahun 2040. Kepatuhan pasien dengan pengobatan penyakit kronis seperti diabetes melitus umumnya rendah. Telemedicine meliputi pemberian informasi dan edukasi berupa pesan multimedia yaitu video animasi melalui aplikasi pesan berbasis internet pada smartphone. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Telemedicine (aplikasi pesan berbasis internet) terhadap kepatuhan minum obat pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2. Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian ini adalah Quasi Experiment pretest-posttest with control group design. Subjek penelitian adalah 56 pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 yang menjalani kontrol rutin di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, terdiri dari 28 pasien untuk masing-masing kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol. Perlakuan diberikan sebanyak 8 kali yaitu 2 kali setiap minggu selama 1 bulan. Kuesioner yang digunakan untuk menilai tingkat kepatuhan minum obat adalah Morisky Medication Adherence Scales (MMAS‐8). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Wilcoxon test dan Mann-Whitney test. Hasil analisis: Hasil uji beda Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,539 pada kelompok perlakuan dan 0,071 pada kelompok kontrol. Hasil perhitungan 2 sampel Mann-Whitney test diperoleh nilai mean rank kelompok perlakuan 31,95 dan kelompok kontrol 25,05 dengan nilai p 0,098. Kesimpulan: Telemedicine (aplikasi pesan berbasis internet) dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan minum obat pada kelompok perlakuan pasien diabetes tipe 2 namun tidak bermakna secara statistik.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe incidence in prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 increased in the whole world. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) predicts that Indonesia has increasing of amount of diabetic patient 10 million in 2015 to be 16,2 million in 2040. The adherence of patients with treatment of chronic disease like diabetes melitus mostly was poor. Telemedicine contains giving information and education such as multimedia messaging specifically animation video using messages application internet-based on smartphone. The research has purpose to know the influence of Telemedicine (messages application internet-based) on the adherence of medication in patient with type 2 diabetes melitus. Methods: The design of this research was a Quasi-Experiment pretest and posttest with control group design. The subjects were 56 patient with type 2 diabetes melitus that routinely check up in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital, each consisting of 28 patients in intervention group and the control group. Interventions was administered for 8 times and twice per week for one month. The adherence of medication score was evaluated with Morisky Medication Adherence Scales (MMAS‐8). The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney test. Results: The result of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test obtained significance value 0,539 for intervention group and 0,071 for control group. The results of 2 samples Mann-Whitney test calculation of mean rank values for intervention group is 31,95 and 25,05 for control group with p value 0,098. Conclusions: Telemedicine (messages application internet-based) can improve the adherence of medication in intervention group patient with type 2 diabetes melitus but not statistically significant.en_US
dc.publisherFKIK UMYen_US
dc.subjectDiabetes Melitus, Adherence of Medication, Telemedicine. The incidence in prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 increased in the whole world. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) predicts that Indonesia has increasing of amount of diabetic patient 10 million in 2015 to be 16,2 million in 2040. The adherence of patients with treatment of chronic disease like diabetes melitus mostly was poor. Telemedicine contains giving information and education such as multimedia messaging specifically animation video using messages application internet-based on smartphone. The research has purpose to know the influence of Telemedicine (messages application internet-based) on the adherence of medication in patient with type 2 diabetes melitus. Methods: The design of this research was a Quasi-Experiment pretest and posttest with control group design. The subjects were 56 patient with type 2 diabetes melitus that routinely check up in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital, each consisting of 28 patients in intervention group and the control group. Interventions was administered for 8 times and twice per week for one month. The adherence of medication score was evaluated with Morisky Medication Adherence Scales (MMAS‐8). The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney test. Results: The result of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test obtained significance value 0,539 for intervention group and 0,071 for control group. The results of 2 samples Mann-Whitney test calculation of mean rank values for intervention group is 31,95 and 25,05 for control group with p value 0,098. Conclusions: Telemedicine (messages application internet-based) can improve the adherence of medication in intervention group patient with type 2 diabetes melitus but not statistically significant.en_US
dc.typeThesis SKR 454en_US

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