STUDI OPTIMASI WAKTU DAN BIAYA DENGAN METODE TIME COST TRADE OFF PADA PROYEK KONSTRUKSI (Studi Kasus: Proyek Pembangunan Jembatan Grindulu (MYC), Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur)
There are three factors that influences the succesfull and failure of the project
construction, there are time, cost, and quality. The project is succesfull if the time completion of
project with the minimum cost without ignore the quality of project result. Therefore, the
important things in the construction project planning need to optimize are time and cost. By
controlling the time and cost of the construction project will achieve the highest profit and avoids
the penalties due to the project delays. The purpose of this study is to know the changes of cost and
time of implementation project with variety of additional working time and additional heavy
equipment comparing between cost of penalties to additional of working time cost and additional
of heavy equipment cost.
The data used in this study according to contruction project of Grindulu Bridge, Pacitan,
East Java. Analysing data using Microsoft Project 2010 and Time Cost Trade Off Method. The
critical path and cost increase according to additional working time obtained from analysis
program of Miscrosoft Project 2010, whereas the acceleration of duration obtained from
analyzing Time Cost Trade Off method.
The results of this study are (1) the total cost and time of project in normal condition is
990 days with total cost Rp. 184.663.854.562,74. Additional of 1 hour overtime working obtained
the duration of 851 days with total cost Rp. 182.830.533.024,93. Additional of 2 hours overtime
working obtained the duration of 750 days with total cost Rp.181.539.780.678,18. Additional of 3
hours overtime working obtained the duration of 675 days with total cost Rp.180.631.441.598,37.
(2) Additional equipment of 1 obtained the duration of 851 days with total cost Rp
182.770.078.398,19. Additional equipment of 2 obtained the duration of 750 days with total cost
181.408.585.758,90. Additional equipment of 3 obtained the duration of 675 days with total cost
of Rp. 180.393.531.853,74.(3) Additional of 1 hour overtime working is more effective compared
to additional equipment of 1. Additional equipment of 2 is more effective compared to additional
of 2 hours overtime working. Additional equipment of 3 is more effective compared to additional
of 3 hours overtime working. (4) According to additional overtime working compared to
additional equipment show that additional equipment of 3 is more effective because produces the
minimum cost Rp. 180.393.531.853,74 with the duration of 675 days. (5) Cost of the acceleration
time of project in additional overtime working or additional of equipment are less expensive
compared to the cost of penalties payment due to the project delays.