ANALISIS INTENSI KEWIRAUSAHAAN MAHASISWA DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA (Studi pada Mahasiswa Empat Universitas Terbaik di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the intention of entrepreneurship in students. Factors that predicted by the researchers are seven factors: the need for achievement, self-efficacy, ease of access, academic support, demographic factors (gender, educational background and work of parents). The population in this study are all students of four universities, there are UGM, UNY, UMY and UII. The data used is quantitative data by using the method of data collection was a questionnaire with purposive sampling method. The analysis technique used is deskriptiv statistic analysis, multiple linear regression, classic assumption test samples used as many as 397 students.
The result showed that needs for achievement, gender, educational background and work of parents does nothave relation on entrepreneurial intentions of students and there is no difference entrepreneurship intentions of students by gender and educational background. But the intention of entrepreneurship based on the work of parents indicate a difference, the student whose background work of parents entrepreneurs have higher intentions. Hypothesis testing in variable self efficacy, ability of access, and academic support showed a significant relates on student entrepreneurship intentions.