Nowadays, the development of information technology is very rapid. This is will certainly have an impact on human activities in daily life. One of human activity is doing business or work. Development of information technology are considered have a big role in terms of innovation. Many factors are changes in business processes such as a work that based on computer.
The emerge of Information technology is one of reasons to facilitate human activities especially in work. Improvement would be considered if a worker or business players, especially the creative industries are required to always innovative on their products, process and has an ability to use these technologies. It must be a lot of benefits will be gained.
In this research will discuss more about the role of skills in using information technology and employee empowerment to innovation which will be assessed more whether from innovation can be a mediation that will impact on the performance of the creative industries which is in this study information technology and employee empowerment have significantly positive effect to innovation and creative industries business performance.