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dc.contributor.authorHalimah, Nur
dc.contributor.authorKhoiriyati, Azizah
dc.description.abstractPatients were treated in the ICU generally feel fear of threats of integrity, physical pain, and death. Patients had uncertainty about the meaning of death so they become vulnerable to spiritual distress. One aspect of nursing is a matter of spiritual fulfillment. The purpose of this study is to examine family hopes toward role of nurses in fulfilling spiritual needs of the patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital. Designs of this study using qualitative descriptive method. Participants were used in this study are all closest relatives with patients in the ICU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital as many as 5 people. Determination of informants conducted by purposive sampling. Data were collected around April-June 2013 through semi-structured interviews. Analysis of the data using content analysis. The results of the study consist of 4 themes, i.e. the meaning of the spiritual needs of the patients's families, nurses as caregivers, nurses as a motivators. Nurses works in the ICU were expected able to play a role in fulfilling the spiritual needs of patients and families.en_US
dc.subjectThe Role of nurses, Spiritual Needs, ICUen_US
dc.titleFamily Hopes Toward Role of The Nurses in Fulfilling spiritual Needs of Patients in Intensive Care Unitsen_US

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