IPE is meant to instill the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary
for interdependent collaboration and teamwork with a focus on the ef cient delivery
of high quality patient centered care. The link between IPE and equipping students
in healthcare for collaborative practice has been made for several years. The aimed
of this study to examine appropriate methods for the assessment of interprofessional
learning communication skills and collaborative for clinical students of medicine,
dentistry, and nursing who practice collaboration interprofessi. Design of this study is
using quantitative method. During September – October 2014, 25 medical students, 20
community nursing and 16 dentistry students in the clinical rotation Faculty of Medicine
and Health Science UMY involved in the implementation of a program of interprofessional
collaboration. All students will undergo an IPE learning for 1 week. Students will be
divided into several groups, and each group consisting of students from 3 courses. The
teaching learning process of IPE is using bed site teaching, tutoring, case re ection,
and case presentation. Each learning process will consist of an assessment of the
clinical tutorials, case presentations, case re ection. Communication and collaboration
capabilities are assessed when students do bed site teaching, tutorial and presentation
of clinical cases using checklist. The results of the statistical analysis showed that
the tutorial score is a signi cant difference between medicine and dentistry students
(p<0,05), medicine and nursing students (p<0,05), while no signi cant difference
between dentistry and nursing students (p>0,05).The score of the case presentation
is signi cantly different between medica and dentistry students (p<0,05), medical and
nursing students (p<0,05),while no signi cant different between dentistry and nursing
students (p>0,05). Medical student case re ections score is signi cantly different from
the score of nursing student (p<0,05), but not different between medical and dentistry
students (p>0,05). The nal grades were signi cantly difference between medical and
the nursing students (p<0,05), as well as between nursing and dentistry students. The
conclusion of this study d showed that different needs, competencies led to different
designs for educational assessment. Using many varied methods of evaluation will be
assess many competencies of the students.