The regional administration is directed to accelerate the realization of public welfare through the improvement of
service, empowerment, and community participation, as well as increased competitiveness of the region by observing
the principles of democracy, equality, justice, and the peculiarities of an area in the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia. To the head area in demand to improve the quality and not merely rely on institutions and is supported by
intellectual ability, sharpness of vision, and the ability of ethical and moral civilized. The issues raised in this study is
Are there any significant effect of Transformational Leadership Regional Head Against Employee Performance in the
Regional Secretariat of the Government of North Maluku province. This study aims to determine the significant influence
of regional leadership to employee performance in the Regional Secretariat of the Government of North Maluku
province. In this study, the type of study is a survey research type. The method used is explanatory, as it explains the
causal relationship between the variables through hypothesis testing. This was done to demonstrate a wide range of
data and theories that have been obtained to then be in the know the level of significance between the discussion of
issues were raised with the reality that has been found, the closer to the type of Quantitative Research. These results
indicate that the Regional Head of Transformational Leadership, influence the variable (Y) Performance Officer at the
Secretariat of the Regional Government of North Maluku province with the number of correlation of 0.25 in the low
category but has particularly certainty. This study uses the sample, based on the test of the hypothesis that the
sample is proven to represent the population as a whole. In a matter of determination as well as the contribution of
variable (X) of the variable (Y) is low at 6.25% above the value interpretation. From the test results, the reality in the
field, the hypothesis of this study is: “the influence of Transformational Leadership Regional Head on Employee
Performance in the Regional Secretariat of the Government of North Maluku province.” Has been proven and tested
empirically in the field can thus be said that the leadership Gebernur North Maluku, including the leadership style
trasformasional with low category.Recommendations from this study are: (1) In order to leadership which is run by the
governor can be run with both the need for a courageous stand to think and act in accordance with the applicable
provisions, (2) be more active to transform attitudes in the form of policy making and policy should based on the
ability to mengaplikasinya, (3) To the employees to work in accordance with scientific qualification in order to improve
performance by improving the quality, quantity and integrity. In addition to realizing the public service is always open
and not favoritism.