BMT is growing rapidly in Indonesia and it has been growing even faster
than BUS, UUS and BPRS. Due to the high number of financial institutions as
well as corporations which meet the needs of business, competition has inevitably
taken place. One of the most important decisions that needs to be taken by one
corporation is to select the strategic business location in order to maximize the
profit. This is the background of conducting the study entitled “The Analysis on
Factors Affecting the Selection of BMT Tamziz Business Location in Bantul
Office Branch”.
This study aims to find out the factors affecting the selection of BMT
Tamziz business location in Bantul office branch and to reveal the most dominant
factor affecting the selection of BMT Tamziz business location in Bantul office
branch. This study was a qualitative research with descriptive approach. The data
were gathered through observational, interview, and documentation method,
followed by analysis using qualitative analytical technique.
Result shows that factors affecting the selection of BMT Tamziz business
location in Bantul office branch are accessibility, visibility, traffic, parking area,
expansion, environment, competition, and government regulations. The most
dominant factor affecting the selection of BMT Tamziz business location in
Bantul office branch is accessibility. This is due to the fact that the selection of a
financial institution should be reachable by the citizen, especially by the members.
Ideal location should be measured according to the distance and the road
infrastructure. If the distance is convenient and the road infrastructure is effective,
it will be easier for the citizen especially for the members to visit the BMT